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[文献書誌] Takeo Hasegawa,Yeun hwa Gu,Tohru Takahashi,et al.: "Influence of an Anesthetic(Pentobarbital)on Hyperthermic Effects."Rwsearch Reports of Suzuka University of Medical Science.. No.5. 91-99 (1998)
[文献書誌] Takeo Hasegawa,Yeun hwa Gu,Ikukatsu Suzuki et al.: "Increase of the blood flow in the tissues by direct current magnetic field."Rwsearch Reports of Suzuka University of Medical Science.. No.5. 163-168 (1998)
[文献書誌] Takeo Hasegawa,Toshiaki Nishiguchi,Yeun hwa Gu et al.: "Increases in Blood Flow in Specific Organs after Stimulation of Pressure Point in the Soles."Rwsearch Reports of Suzuka University of Medical Science.. No.5. 169-175 (1998)
[文献書誌] Takeo Hasegawa,Yeun hwa Gu,Hiroaki Ushiba et al.: "Non-invasive temperature monitoring using small coils during radio-frequency heating."Proceeding of the Korean Association for Radiation Protection Autumn Meetiog.(Tague,Korea,Oct,22,1999). Vol.1. 49-52 (1999)
[文献書誌] Takeo Hasegawa,Yeun hwa Gu,Takashi Hasegawa et al.: "Potentiation of Hyperthermic Effects Using Vasodilator(Hydralazine)."Proceeding of the Korean Association for Radiation Protection Autumn Meetiog.(Tague,Korea,Oct,22,1999). Vol.1. 79-82 (1999)
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