[文献書誌] Joe Kamimoto: "On the singularities of non-analytic Szego kernels"Journal of Math. Sci, Univ of Tokyo. 6. 13-39 (1999)
[文献書誌] Joe Kamimoto: "The Berhman kernel on weakly psendoconvex tube domains in C^2"Proc. of Japan Acad. 75-A. 12-15 (1999)
[文献書誌] Joe Kamimoto: "The Berhman kernel on certain deconpled domains"Proc. of ISAAC Congress, Kluwer Acad, Publ.. 109-124 (1999)
[文献書誌] J. Kamimoto. H,Ki,Y-O,Kim: "On the multiplecities of the zerov of Laguerre-Polya functions"To apppean in Proc, of, American Math. Soc,.
[文献書誌] Joe Kamimoto: "Nom-analytic Bergman and Szego kernels tube domains in C^2 on weakly psendoconvex"To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.