[文献書誌] Uemura,H.(共著): "The Economics of Institutions in Japan:A Critique to the Comparative Institutional Analysis"La lettre de la regulation. No.24. 1-3 (1998)
[文献書誌] 植村博恭(共著): "戦後日本経済の制度分析-「階層的市場-企業ネクサス」論の観点から-"山田・ボワイエ編『戦後日本資本主義-調整と危機の分析』. 藤原書店. 49-151 (1999)
[文献書誌] Uemura,H.(共著): "The Hierarchical Market-Firm Nexus and Institutional Analysis of the Recent Japanese Economy"Schober,F.et al(eds.)Restructuring the Economy of the 21th Century in Japan and Germany,Dunkev on Humblet. 77-120 (1999)
[文献書誌] Uemura,H.: "Growth,Distribution and Structural Change in the Japanese Economy:Based on the Institutional Analysis"Economic Research Center Discussion Paper. (2000)
[文献書誌] Uemura,H.(共著): "Hierarchical Market-Firm Nexus as the Japanese Mode of regulation"Boyer,R.and Yamada,T.(eds.)Japanese Capitalism in Crisis,Routledge. (2000)
[文献書誌] Uemura,H.: "Growth,Distribution and Structural Change in the Post-war Japanese Economy"Boyer,R.and Yamada,T.(eds.)Japanese Capitalism in Crisis,Routledge. (2000)
[文献書誌] 植村博恭(共著): "社会経済システムの制度分析-マルクスとケインズを超えて-"名古屋大学出版会. 383 (1998)