[文献書誌] Kozono, H., YAMAZAKI, M.: "Exterior Problem for the Nuviu-Stakes equctions in the Lorentz space" Mathemcliscle Annalcn. 310. 279-305 (1998)
[文献書誌] Kozono, H., YAMAZAKI, M.: "On alarger class of stable solition to the Nucrei-Studies equetiones in exidismaer" Mathemcliscle Zutschrilt. 228. 751-785 (1998)
[文献書誌] KOZONO, H.: "Remoreble cinyntanty of weak salntions to the Nucrei-Studies equctions" Communications in Parteal Differential Equation. 23. 949-966 (1998)
[文献書誌] KOZONO,H.: "L'-solutions of the Nucrei-Studies eqactions in exfecion domains" Mathemchiscle Annalen. 312. 319-340 (1998)
[文献書誌] Kozono, H., Sohr, H.: "On global strong solution of the Nucrei-Studies equetions in 4 and 5 dimensional In houndid domains" Ann.Inst.Honri Poincare, Analyse Nonliruaire. (発表予定).
[文献書誌] Kozono, H, YAMAZAKI, M.: "Uniqueness crifenon of weecks solutions to the Stationary Nuraer-Stoker equations in exterior domains" Nonlinear Analyses, TMA. (発表予定).
[文献書誌] Kozono, H., Shibata, Y.: "Recent Topics on Mathemalical Theouy of Vascous Incom Flued" 紀伊國屋書店, 270 (1998)