[備考] Mohammad Mohammad : (Research Assistant Professor)and Noriko Tomita (Visiting Postdoc) : invited video-conference talks at the International Conference of Fluid Dynamics 2012(ICFD2012). Noriko chaired a session titled "Membrane Micro Channel for Health Care," during which the two talks were given Sendai, Japan (September 19-21 2012). SU Physics News-September 2012, Presentation by Research Faculty, Posdoc and Student, Syracuse University, The College of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Noriko Tomita (visiting research associate) : presentation, "Fundamental study for development of blood cell model with various membrane strength by a combination of phospholipid and poreforming protein" at the 21st JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Gathering Meeting held in Consulate-General of Japan in Boston. In this meeting, professors, post docs and students who have studied in the United states under JSPS grants gather to show their works and discuss to share scientific and general information (October 26, 2012). SU Physics News-October 2012, Presentation by Research Faculty, Posdoc and Student, Syracuse University, The College of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Noriko Tomita (visiting scholar in Liviu Movileanu's lab) invited presentation, "Electrophysiological Study of Membrane Channel Proteins on Various Membrane Environment and Application for Cell Model" in Syracuse University and Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan)Joint Meetin, Grants Auditorium in SU (November 8, 2012) SU Physics News-December 2012, Presentation by Research Faculty, Posdoc and Student, Syracuse University The College of Arts and Science, Department of Physics,