[文献書誌] Tsuboki, K., A.Sakakibara: "Simulation experiment of squall line observed in the Huaihe River Basin, China"Proc. of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. 1. 67-72 (2001)
[文献書誌] 立川康人: "中国淮河流域へのマクログリッド型流出モデルの適用"水工学論文集. 45. 127-132 (2001)
[文献書誌] Kawabata, A., K.Tsuboki: "Numerical experiments on the impact of land surface evapotranspiration on atmospheric water circulation over summer Asian monsoon region"Proc. of the Third International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System. 175-178 (2001)
[文献書誌] Kanada, S., K.Tsuboki: "Modification of mesoscale convective precipitating system under intense cloud cluster over the China continent during the HUBEX'99 IOP"Proc. of the Third GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu Front and its Hydrological Cycle. 46-49 (2001)
[文献書誌] Hattori, M., K.Tsuboki: "Interannual and seasonal variation of water circulation over East Asia an the western Pacific"Proc. of the Fifth International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME. 2. 558-563 (2001)
[文献書誌] Tsuboki, K.: "Diurnal variation of cloud clusters over the China Continent during HUBEX IOP"Proc. of the Third GAME-HUBEX Workshop on Meso-scale Systems in Meiyu/Baiu Front and its Hydrological Cycle. 93-96 (2001)
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