[文献書誌] Chandrajith, R. et al., including Dissanayake, C.B.: "The stream sediment geochemistry of the Walawe Ganga Basin of Sri Lanka - Implications for Gondwana mineralization"Gondwana Research. Vol.3(2). 189-204 (2000)
[文献書誌] 千葉仁ほか(益田晴恵を含む): "大西洋TAG及びRainbow海底熱水系の熱水の化学組成: MODE'98Legの結果"JASMSTIEC深海研究. Vol.15(11). 29-38 (1999)
[文献書誌] Das. K., et al., including Yoshida, M.: "A report of the post-conference field trip in the Eastern Arunta Inlier, Central Australia"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 271-274 (2000)
[文献書誌] Das. K., et al., including Yoshida, M.: "Geology and tectonic evolution of Strangways and Harts Range region of eastern Arungta Inlier, central Australia"Jour. Geosci., Osaka City University. Vol.43(印刷中). (2000)
[文献書誌] Divi, R.S. (研究協力者): "Progress report of Working Grouip II-C of IGCP-368: Mineral potential by geomatics"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter). Vol.2(4). 670-670 (1999)
[文献書誌] Han, B. et al., including Kagami, H.: "Trace element and Nd-Sr isotope constraints on origin of the Chifeng flood basalts North China"Chemical Geol.. Vol.155. 187-199 (1999)
[文献書誌] Hari, K.R. et al., including Furuyama, K.: "Silicate-melt inclusioins in pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts from the Pavagadh Igneous Site, India"Jour. Geosciences, Osaka City University. Vol.43(印刷中). (2000)
[文献書誌] Hari, K.R. et al., including Furuyama, K.: "The Pavagadh Hill, a unique outcrop of the Deccan Trap, Gujarat, India"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter). Vol.2(4). 676-678 (1999)
[文献書誌] Kokonyangi, J. et al., including Yoshida, M.: "Lithostratigraphy and structural evolution of the Kalima-Moga tin district, Kibaran Belt (maniema, Congo)"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 257-259 (2000)
[文献書誌] Lee, J.I. et al., including Kagami, H.: "Sr and Nd isotopic vompositioins of late Paleozoic Youungiu and Andong granites in the northeastern Yeongnam Massif, Korea"Geochem. Jour.. Vol.33. 153-165 (1999)
[文献書誌] Morris, P.A. et al., including Furuyama, K.: "Chronology and petrology of the Daikonjima basalt, Nakaumi Lagoon, eastern Shimane Prefecture, Japan"Jour. Min. Petrol. Econ. Geol.. Vol.94. 442-452 (1999)
[文献書誌] Nishi, N. et al., including Kagami, H.: "Preliminary result for the Rb-Sr mineral isochron ages of granitic rocks from Cape Omega and Oku-iwa Rock, Prince Olav Coast, Eastd PAntarctica"Polar Geoscience. No.12. 157-165 (1999)
[文献書誌] 小原春産他(有馬真を含む): "海洋性島弧における大陸地殻の形成:吸収パラオ海嶺掘削計画"月刊地球. 23巻. 133-140 (1999)
[文献書誌] Okudaira, T., et al.: "Proterozoic evolution of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt in the Khammam district, SE India"Jour. Geosci., Osaka City University. Vol.43(印刷中). (2000)
[文献書誌] 奥平敬元: "領家帯変成帯からみた西南日本白亜紀テクトニクス"地団研専報. (印刷中). (2000)
[文献書誌] Osanai, Y. et al.: "Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd for potassium feldspar megacrystic charnockite pegmatite and garne t-bearing charnockittic leaucosome from the central Eastern Ghats. India"Gondwana Research Mem.. No.5. 145-160 (1999)
[文献書誌] Owada, M. et al. including: "Petrography and geochemistry of for mafic rocks from Tonagh Island, Nepier Complex, Enderby Land"Polar Geosci.. No.12. 87-100 (1999)
[文献書誌] Santosh, M.: "A molybdenium province in the East Gondwanaland Fragment of southern India"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 606-607 (1999)
[文献書誌] 田納庄良昭ほか(加々美寛雄を含む): "高Sr同位体始生値を有する近畿地方の白亜紀〜古第三紀花崗岩類"地質学論集. 53号. 309-322 (1999)
[文献書誌] Toyoshima, T. et al., including Osanai, Y.: "Deformation of ultra-high-temperature metamorphic rocks from Tonagh Island, Napier Complex, East Antarctica"Polar Geosci.. No.12. 29-48 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M.: "Field visit to the Ribeira Fold Belt, 1999"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 275-277 (2000)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M., et al.: "Juxtaposition of India and Madagascar: A perspective"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(3). 449-462 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M., et al.: "Five years' activity of IGCP-368 "Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana""Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 638-641 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M., et al.: "Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana: Progress in 1998"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter). Vol.2(4). 665-667 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M., et al.: "IGCP-368: activities and future programme"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter). Vol.2(4). 667-669 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida. M., et al.: "Proterozoic events in East Gondwana, progress in 1999"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 253-255 (2000)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M., et al.: "Neodymium model ages from Eastern Ghats and lutzow-Holm Bay: Constraints on isotopic provinces in India-Antarctic sector of East Gondwana"Gondwana Research Group Mem.. No.5(印刷中). (2000)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M., et al.: "Pre-Pan African and Pan-African events in South India and their implications for Gondwana tectonics"Geol. Survey of India, Misl. Publ.. (Accepted for publication)(印刷中).
[文献書誌] Rao, A.T. et al. (eds) including Yoshida, M.: "Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt: Structural, Petrological and Geochronological Studies Gondwana Research Group Memoir No.5"Field Science Publishers. (2000)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M. et al. (eds): "Madagascar Within Gondwanaland (Gondwana Research Vol.2, No.3, special issue)"International Association for Gondwana Research. 170 (1999)
[文献書誌] Wang, X. et al. (eds)(研究協力者): "Geodynamic and Tectonic Evolution of China and Related Gondwana Crustal Fragment"International Association for Gondwana Research. 140 (1999)
[文献書誌] Jain, A. K. et al. (eds)(研究協力者): "Geodynamics of the NW Himalaya"Field Science Publishers (Osaka). 377 (1999)
[文献書誌] Geological Survey of India and IGCP-368 (eds)(研究協力者): "Precambrian Crust in Eastern and Central India, Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication"Geological Survey of India (Calcutta) (印刷中). 537 (2000)