[文献書誌] Y.Ogawa, K.Ogawa, B.Wang, E.Kokufuta: "A Biochemo-Mechanical System Consisting of Polyampholyte Gels with Coimmobilized Glucose Oxidase and Urease"Langmuir. 17・9. 2670-2674 (2001)
[文献書誌] K.Ogawa, B.Wang, E.Kokufuta: "Enzyme Regulated Microgel Collapse for Controlled Membrane Permeability"Langmuir. 17・16. 4704-4707 (2001)
[文献書誌] K.S.Schmitz, B.Wang, E.Kokufuta: "Mechanism of Microgel Formation via Crosslinking of Polymers in Their Dilute Solutions: Mathematical Explanation with Computer Simulations"Macromolecules. 34・23. 8370-8377 (2001)
[文献書誌] K.Yabusaki, E.Kokufuta: "Aggregation Mechanism of Blood Platelets by Time-Resolved Light Scattering Method"Langmuir. 18・1. 39-45 (2002)
[文献書誌] K.Ogawa, E.Kokufuta: "Enzymatic Formation of pH Gradients within Polyelectrolyte Gels with Immobilized Urease"Langmuir. 18(印刷中). (2002)
[文献書誌] K.Ogawa, Y.Ogawa, E.Kokufuta: "K.Ogawa, Y.Ogawa, E.Kokufuta:Effect of Charge Inhomogeneity of Polyelectrolyte Gels on Their Swelling Behavior"Colloid. & Surf., A. 150(印刷中). (2002)
[文献書誌] E.Kokufuta: "Physical Chemistry of Polyelectrolytes"Marcel Dekker,Inc. 882 (2001)