[文献書誌] Tatsuoka,F.et.al.: "Characterising the Pre-Failure Deformation Properties of Geomaterials"Theme Lecture for the Plenary Session No.1,Proc.of XIV IC on SMFE,Hamburg. Vol.4. 2129-2164 (1997)
[文献書誌] Tatsuoka,F.et.al.: "Stress-Strain Behaviour at Small Strains of Unbound Granular Materials and its Laboratory Tests"Keynote Lecture,Proc.of Workshop on Modelling and Advanced testing for Unbound Granular Materials,Lisboa. 17-61 (1999)
[文献書誌] Tatsuoka,F.et.al.: "Time-dependent deformation Characteristics of stiff geomaterials in engineering practice"Proc.of the Second Int.Conf.on Pre-failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials,Torino. Vol.2. (1999)
[文献書誌] Tatsuoka,F.et.al.: "Non-linear Resilient Behaviour of Unbound Granular Materials Predicted by the Cross-Anisotropic Hypo-Quasi-Elasticity Model"Proc.of Workshop on Modelling and Advanced testing for Unbound Granular Materials,Lisboa. 197-204 (1999)
[文献書誌] Matsushita,M.et.al.: "Time effects on the pre-peak deformation properties of sands"Proc.of the Second Int.Conf.on Pre-failure Deformation Characheristics of Geomaterials,Torino. Vol.1. 681-689 (1999)
[文献書誌] Tatsuoka,F.et.al.: "Isotach behaviour of gematerials and its modelling"Proc.of the Second Int.Conf.on Pre-failure Deformation Characheristics of Geomaterials,Torino. Vol.1. 491-499 (1999)
[文献書誌] Tatsuoka,F.: "Recent Laboratory study 2 : Small strain behavior of granular materials,Introduction to Mechanics of Granular Materials(Oda & Iwashita eds.)"Balkema. 10 (1999)