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[文献書誌] Iwaya-Inoue,M.,K.Yoshimura,M.Otsubo and H.Yamasaki: "Effests of oxygen strees on H-NMR relaxation time (T1) of Vigna radiate seedlong."J.Fac.Agr.Kyusyu Univ.. 44・3,4. 249-256 (2000)
[文献書誌] Otsubo M. and M. Iwaya-Inoue: "Trehalose delays senescence in cut gladiolus spikes."HortScience. (accepted). (2000)
[文献書誌] Ikeda,T., M.Iwaya-Inoue, T.Fukuyama, and H.Nonami: "Trehalpse chages hydraulic conductance of tissue-cultured soybean embryos."Plant Biotechnology. (accepted). (2000)