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[文献書誌] 野末俊比古: "社会教育機関としての公共図書館における情報利用支援の現状と課題:情報リテラシーの育成をめぐる総合的検討に向けた予備的考察"学術情報センター紀要. vol.12. 129-136 (2000)
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[文献書誌] Eisuke NAITO: "Creation, maintenance and Distribution of Recorded Knowledge : where is skills?"Conference of Myanmer Computer Federation, International Business Centre, Yangon, April 30th, 2000. 7 (2000)
[文献書誌] Mika KOSHIZUKA: "IT Education in Japan in the Field of Formal Education"Conference of Myanmer Computer Federation, International Business Centre, Yangon, April 30th, 2000. 12 (2000)