[文献書誌] J.Cheng: "Mathematical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Based on Strong Relevant Logic"R. Trappl (Ed.), "Cybernetics and Systems 2002," Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. 789-794 (2002)
[文献書誌] T.Tagawa: "Deontic Relevant Logic : A Strong Relevant Logic Aproach to Removing Paradoxes from Deontic Logic"Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. 2417. 39-48 (2002)
[文献書誌] J.Cheng: "A Strong Relevant Logic Approach to the Calculus of Fuzzy Conditionals"D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, and E. E. Kerre (Ed.), "Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research," World Scientific. 66-74 (2002)
[文献書誌] Y.Goto: "Improving the Performance of Automated Forward Deduction System EnCal on Shared-Memory Parallel Computers"Proc. 3rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies. 63-68 (2002)
[文献書誌] S.Nara: "Parallel Forward Deduction Algorithms for General-Purpose Entailment Calculus on a Clusters of PCs"Proc. IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing, and Applications. 359-364 (2002)
[文献書誌] J.Cheng: "Anticipatory Reasoning-Reacting Systems"Proc. International Conference on Systems, Development and Self-organization. 161-165 (2002)
[文献書誌] J.Cheng: "System Bus : A Mechanism for Designing, Developing and Maintaining Reconfigurable Reactive Systems"Proc. International Conference on Systems, Development and Self-organization. 232-236 (2002)