[文献書誌] 大森英樹,前田吉昭,宮崎直哉,吉岡朗: "Deformation quantization of Frechet-Poisson algebras : Convergence of the Moyal product"The proceedings of the Coference Moshe Flato 1999,Kluwer Academic Publishers in the series Mathematical Physics Studies,. 2. 233-246 (2000)
[文献書誌] 大森英樹,前田吉昭,宮崎直哉,吉岡朗: "Singular systems of exponential functions"Noncommutative differential geometry and its application to physics-proceedings of the Workshop at Shonan, June 1999. 171-188 (2001)
[文献書誌] 大森英樹,前田吉昭,宮崎直哉,吉岡朗: "Anomalous quadratic exponentials in the star-products. Lie groups, geometric structures and differential equations-one hundred years after Sophus Lie (Japanese))."数理研講究録:ソーフィス・リー没後百年記念国際研究集会報告集. 1150. 128-132 (2000)
[文献書誌] 大森英樹,前田吉昭,宮崎直哉,吉岡朗: "An Example of Convergent Star Product,"数理研講究録:Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry 研究集会報告集. 1180. 141-165 (2000)
[文献書誌] 吉岡朗: "Contact Weyl manifold over a symplectic manifold"Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics : Lie Groups, Geometric Structures and Differential Equations. (2001)
[文献書誌] 大森英樹: "Noncommtative world, and its geometrical picture"AMS translation of Sugaku expositions. (2001)
[文献書誌] 前田吉昭: "Noncommutative Differential Geometry and its Application to Physics,"Kluwer academic publishers. 305 (2001)