[文献書誌] H.Matsunaga,R.Miyazaki and T.Hara: "Global attractivity results for nonlinear delay differential equations"Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 234. 77-90 (1999)
[文献書誌] Y.Saito,T.Hara and W.Ma: "Necessary and sufficient conditions for permanence and global stability of a Lotka-Volterra system with two delays"Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 236. 534-556 (1999)
[文献書誌] Y.Takeuchi and W.Ma: "Stability analysis on a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth process"Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. 5. 171-184 (1999)
[文献書誌] J.Sugie and M.Katayama: "Global asymptotic stability of a predator-prey system of Holling type"Nonlinear Analysis. 38. 105-121 (1999)
[文献書誌] R.Miyazaki: "Analysis of characteristic roots of delay-differential systems"Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. 5. 195-207 (1999)
[文献書誌] H.Matsunaga and T.Hara: "The asymptotic stability of a two-dimensional linear delay difference equation"Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. 6. 465-473 (1999)
[文献書誌] T.Hara,R.Miyazaki and T.Morii: "Asymptotic periodic solutions for linear differential-difference equations with N delays and Hopf bifurcations"Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. 43. 193-212 (2000)
[文献書誌] S.Sakata and T.Hara: "Dynamics of a linear differential system with piecewise constant argument"Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. 7. 585-594 (2000)
[文献書誌] R.Ogita,H.Matsunaga and T.Hara: "Asymptotic stability condition for a class of linear delay difference equations of higher order"Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 248. 83-96 (2000)
[文献書誌] W.Ma,T.Hara and Y.Takeuchi: "Stability of a 2-dimensional neural network with time delays"Journal of Biological Systems. 8. 177-193 (2000)
[文献書誌] S.Sakata: "Stability sets for linear differential difference equations with two delays"Dynamic Systems and Applications. 9. 569-594 (2000)
[文献書誌] Y.Takeuchi,W.Ma and E.Beretta: "Global asymptotic properties of a delay SIR epidemic model with varying population size and finite incubation times"Nonlinear Analysis. 42. 931-947 (2000)
[文献書誌] J.Sugie: "Uniqueness of limit cycles in a predator-prey system of Holling-type functional response"Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. 58. 577-590 (2000)
[文献書誌] J.Sugie and M.Iwasaki: "Oscillation of the Riemann-Weber version of Euler differential equations with delay"Georgian Mathematical Journal. 7. 577-584 (2000)
[文献書誌] T.Naito,N.V.Minh,R.Miyazaki and J.Shin: "A decomposition theorem for bounded solutions and the existence of periodic solutions of periodic differential equations"Journal of Differential Equations. 160. 260-282 (2000)
[文献書誌] J.Sugie and K.Kita: "Oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear differential equations of Euler type"Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 253. 414-439 (2001)
[文献書誌] H.Matsunaga,T.Hara and S.Sakata: "Global attractivity for a logistic equation with piecewise constant argument"Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. (in press).
[文献書誌] Y.Saito,W.Ma and T.Hara: "A necessary and sufficient condition for permanence of a Lotka-Volterra discrete system with delays"Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. (in press).
[文献書誌] H.Matsunaga,T.Hara and S.Sakata: "Global attractivity for a nonlinear difference equation with variable delay"Computers & Mathematics with Applications. (accepted).
[文献書誌] T.Hara and S.Sakata: "Star-shaped periodic solutions for x'(t)=-a{1-|x(t)|^‥2}R(θ)x([t])"Nonlinear Analysis. (accepted).
[文献書誌] J.Sugie: "Lienard dynamics with an open limit orbit"Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. (accepted).
[文献書誌] J.Sugie: "A nonoscillation theorem for second-order nonlinear differential equations with decaying coefficients"The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. (accepted).
[文献書誌] T.Naito,N.V.Minh,R.Miyazaki and Y.Hamaya: "Boundedness and almost periodicity in dynamical systems"Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. (accepted).
[文献書誌] E.Beretta,T.Hara,W.Ma and Y.Takeuchi: "Global asymptotic stability of an SIR epidemic model with distributed time delay"Nonlinear Analysis. (accepted).
[文献書誌] T.Hara and S.Sakata: "Dynamics of a delay differential system with periodically oscillatory coefficients"Nonlinear Analysis. (accepted).
[文献書誌] J.Sugie,N.Yamaoka and Y.Obata: "Nonoscillation theorems for a nonlinear self-adjoint differential equation"Nonlinear Analysis. (accepted).
[文献書誌] Y.Saito,T.Hara and W.Ma: "Harmless delays for permanence and impersistence of Lotka-Volterra discrete predator-prey system"Nonlinear Analysis. (accepted).