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[文献書誌] KazusakaA,YoonS,FujitaS,: "Application of FT-IR and ESR spectroscopic techniques to the study of CC14-induced peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. "Jpn.J.Vet.Res.. 47. 151-154 (2000)
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[文献書誌] KazusakaA,TeramitsuI,YamamotoY,ChidaI.IwataH,TanabeS.: "Identification of novel chtochrome P4501A genens from five marine mannal species."Aquatic Toxicol. 51. 145-153 (2000)
[文献書誌] KazusakaA,YamamotoH,WatanabeT,MizunoH,EndoK.: "The antioxidant effect of DL-a-linpoic acid on coppe-induced acute hepatitis in Long-Evance cinnamon (LEC) rats."Free Radical Res. 34. 69-80 (2001)
[文献書誌] KazusakaA,YamamotoH,WatanaeT,MizunoH,EndoK: "In vivo evidence for accelerated generation of hydroxyl radicals in liver of Long-Evance cinnamon (LEC) rats with acute hepatitis."Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 30. 547-554 (2001)
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[文献書誌] KazusakaA,MaruyamaY,SuzukiY,TeradaH,IwataH.: "Norsalsolinol, an endogeneous dopaminergic neurotoxin, inhibits dopamine secretion in PC12 cells."J.Toxicol.Sci.. 24. (1999)
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[文献書誌] KazusakaA,ChibaI,Sakakibara,IwataH: "Liver P450 as a biomarker of environmental pollution."2 nd brain seminar cytochrome P450and plant genetic engineering Kobe. (1999)
[文献書誌] KazusakaA,,TakahashiJ,SakamotoK,MaedaY: "Effect of neonatal exposure to enzo (a) pyrene, endocrine disrupter on P450 expression in rat liver."2 nd brain seminar cytochrome P450 and plant genetic engineering, Kobe. (1999)
[文献書誌] KazusakaA,,Shen,Y,B,TerasawaM,FujitaS: "Preventive properties of birch sap against oxidative stress in rats."Proceedings of the 2 nd international symposium on sap utilization in bifuka. 149-153 (2000)