[文献書誌] K.Matsui,T.Sasaoka,H.Shimada,M.Ichinose,S.Kubota: "Disposal and Utilization of Mine Waste Rocks and Flyash as a Coal Mine Backfill"Proc.of 6th Int.Sympo.on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, Calgary CANADA. 219-224 (2000)
[文献書誌] H.Z.Anwar,H.Shimada,M.Ichinose,K.Matsui: "Applications of Cement Grouting Method for Controlling Weak Strata"Proc.of 19th Int.Confe.on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown USA. 387-394 (2000)
[文献書誌] K.Matsui,H.Shimada,M.Ichinose,S.Kramadibrata,H.Z.Anwar: "Drivage of a New Incline with a Roadheader at Ombilin Coal Mine, Indonesia"Proc.of 9th Int.Sympo.on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Athens GREECE. 83-88 (2000)
[文献書誌] H.Z.Anwar,H.Shimada,M.Ichinose,K.Matsui: "Slaking Phenomenon of the Expandable Clay-bearing Rock"Proc.of Annually Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of Geologist, Bundung INDONESIA. 65-75 (2000)
[文献書誌] K.Matsui,H.Shimada,M.Ichinose,S.Kubota,S.Kramadibrata,M.A.Rai: "Geotechnical Problems in the Inclined Drift Drivage at Ombilin Coal Mine III,Indonesia"Proc.of Int.Confe.on Mineral Raw Materials and Mining Activity of the 21st Century, Ostrava CZECH. 411-418 (2001)