[文献書誌] S.Takeyama: "New Aspect of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors"Jpn.J.Apply.Phys. (to be published). (2001)
[文献書誌] S.Takeyama,H.Mino,S.Adachi,T.Stirner,W.E.Hagston,H.Yokoi,Yu.G.Semenov,S.W.Tozer,Y.Kim,G.Karczewski,J.Kossut: "Photoexcited spin states in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum structures"Proc.of 6^<th> International Symposium on Research in High Magnetic Fields (Porto). (to be published). (2000)
[文献書誌] T.Stirner,W.E.Hagston,S.Takeyama,G.Karczewski,T.Wojtowicz,J.Kossut: "Magnetic polaron bifurcation in asymmetric diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells"Proc.of the International Conference on the Physics and Application of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors, (Sendai) Physica E. (to be published). (2001)
[文献書誌] Yu.G.Semenov,H.Yokoi,Y.Kakudate,S.Takeyama,S.W.Tozer,Y.Kim,G.Karczewski,T.Wojtowicz,J.Kossut: "Interface local spin states in a Cd Te/(Cd,Mn) Te quantum well"Proc.of the International Conference on the Physics and Application of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors, (Sendai) Physica E. (to be published). (2001)
[文献書誌] F.Mino,S.Takeyama,S.Adachi,G.Karczewski,T.Wojtowicz,J.Kossut: "Biexciton Spin States of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Wells in High Magnetic Fields"Physica B (2001). (to be published). (2001)
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[文献書誌] T.Nakayama,M.Murayama: "Optical Response Spectra Calculation of Wide-gap ZnSe Surfaces"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 39. 4523-4524 (2000)
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[文献書誌] S.Adachi,T.Tsuchiya,H.Mino,S.Takeyama,G.Karczewski,T.Wojitowicz,and J.Kossut: "Dynamical spin properties of exciton and biexciton in CdMnTe/CdTe/CdMgTe single quantum well"Physica E. (to be published). (2001)
[文献書誌] S.Adachi,Y.Takagi,and S.Takeyama: "Biexcitons in CdMnTe/CdTe/CdMgTe single quantum well"J.Crystal Growth. 214/215. 819-822 (2000)
[文献書誌] S.Adachi,Y.Takagi,J.Takeda and K.A.Nelson: "Optical sampling four-wave-mixing experiment for exciton relaxation processes"Opt.Commun. 174. 291-298 (2000)
[文献書誌] T.Stirner,M.R.Farrow,and W.E.Hagston: "Semimagnetic semiconductor quantum wells : magnetic polarons and paramagnetic effects"Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter. 12. 701-708 (2000)
[文献書誌] H.Howari,D.Sands,J.E.Nicholls,J.H.C.Hogg,T.Stirner,W.E.Hagston: "Excimer laser induced diffusion in magnetic semiconductor quantum wells"J.Appl.Phys.. 88. 1373-1379 (2000)
[文献書誌] T.Stirner,F.Long,and W.E.Hagston: "Application of pseudopotential theory to magnetic semiconductor heterostructures"Superlattices and Microstructures . 29 (to be published). (2001)
[文献書誌] S.Mackowski,E.Janik,F.Kyrychenko,and J.Kossut: "Magnetooptical properties of CdTe quantum wells with ternary MgMnTe and quaterhary CdMnMgTe barriers"Thin Solid Films. 367. 223-226 (2000)
[文献書誌] S.Mackowski,G.Karczewski,F.Kyrychenko,T.Wojtowicz,and J.Kossut: "Influence of MBE growth conditions on optical properties of CdTe/ZnTe quantum structures"Thin Solid Films. 367. 210-213 (2000)
[文献書誌] F.Kyrychenko,and J.Kossut: "Valence band states in the diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wires"Phys.Rev.B. 61. 4449-4452 (2000)
[文献書誌] A.Stachow-Wojcik,W.Mac,A.Twardowski,G.Karczewski,E.Janik,T.Wojtowicz,J.Kossut,and E.Dynowska: "Magnetic properties of Cd_<1-x>Mn_xTe and Zn_<1-x>Mn_xTe epilayers with high concentration of Mn"Phys.Stat.Sol.(a). 177. 555-566 (2000)
[文献書誌] B.Konig,I.A.Merkulov,D.R.Yakovlev,W.Ossau,S.M.Ryabchenko,M.Kutrowski,T.Wojtowicz,G.Karczewski,and J.Kossut: "Energy transfer from photocarriers into the magnetic ion system mediated by a two-dimensional electron gas in (Cd, Mn) Te/ (Cd, Mg) Te quantum wells"Phys.Rev.B. 61. 16870-16882 (2000)
[文献書誌] Y.Imanaka,T.Takamasu,G.Kido,G.Karczewski,T.Wojtowicz,and J.Kossut: "Polarized photoluminescence experiments in CdTe/CdMgTe quantum Hall systems at the v=1"J.Cryst.Growth. 214/215. 240-243 (2000)
[文献書誌] T.Wojtowicz,M.Kutrowski,G.Karczewski,J.Kossut,B.Konig,A.Keller,D.R.Yakovlev,A.Waag,J.Geurts,W.Ossau,G.Landwehr,I.A.Merkulov,F.J.Teran,and M.Potemski: "II-VI quantum structures with tunable electron g-factor"J.Cryst.Growth. 214/215. 378-381 (2000)
[文献書誌] C.S.Kim,M.Kim,S.Lee,J.Kossut,J.K.Furdyna,and M.Dobrowolska: "CdSe quantum dots in a Zn_<1-x>Mn_xSe matrix : new effects due to the presence of Mn"J.Cryst.Growth. 214/215. 395-398 (2000)
[文献書誌] V.P.Kochereshko,G.V.Astakhov,D.R.Yakovlev,W.Ossau,G.Landwehr,T.Wojtowicz,G.Karczewski,J.Kossut: "Excitons and trions in II-VI quantum wells with modulation doping "Phys.Status Solidi B. 221. 345-348 (2001)