[文献書誌] 二神枝保: "コンティンジェント・ワーカーの働き方-理論的イシューと実践的インプリケーション-(産業・組織心理学会若手研究活動支援賞受賞)"産業・組織心理学研究. 第13巻第1号. 55-71 (2000)
[文献書誌] Shiho Futagami: "Mobility of labor and the new relationship between an individual and an organization"Proceedings of ASAC-IFSAM (International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management). (CD-ROM). 1-10 (2000)
[文献書誌] Shiho Futagami: "Contingent workers and strategic human resource management in the 21^<st> century"Proceedings of International Symposium Human Resources and Work Life in the twenty-first century. (CD-ROM). 1-16 (2000)
[文献書誌] Shiho Futagami: "Diversity in labor market and human resource management (HRM)in the 21^<st> century"Yokohama Business Review. Vol.XX No.2. 10-23 (1999)
[文献書誌] Shiho Futagami: "Transformation strategies in nations based on the socialist model"Yokohama Business Review. Vol.21 No.3. 55-62 (2000)
[文献書誌] Shiho Futagami et al.: "North Korean companies and their transformation strategies"Proceedings of the 5^<th> IFEAMA (International Federation of East Asian Management Association) Conference. 1-7 (2000)
[文献書誌] 二神枝保: "「人材の流動化と男女のキャリア」佐野陽子 ほか編著『ジェンダー・マネジメント』"東洋経済新報社(予定). 300 (2001)
[文献書誌] 二神枝保: "「アウトプレイスメント」二神恭一編著『企業と人材・人的資源管理(HRM)』"八千代出版. 341 (2000)