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[文献書誌] H. Maezawa, et al.: "Large-scale mapping observations of the CI 3P1-3PO line toward heiles cloud2 in the Taurus Dark Cloud"Astrophysical Journal Letter. 524. L129-L132 (1999)
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[文献書誌] Y. Arikawa, et al.: "Shocked molecular gas associated with the Supernova remnants W28"PASJ. 51. L7-L10 (1999)
[文献書誌] Y. Sekimoto, et al.: "Large-scale CI and CO (J=3-2) observations of the M17 complex with the Mt. Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope"Star formation 1999. 86-87 (1999)
[文献書誌] Y. Sekimoto: "Millimeter and Submillimeter-wave Observations of X-Ray Emitting Protostars"Japanese-German Workshop on High Energy Astrophysics. 44-48 (1998)
[文献書誌] M. Itoh, et al.: "X-ray and radio observations of NGC1333 star forming region"Japanese-German Workshop on High Energy Astrophysics. 49-51 (1998)
[文献書誌] K. Matsuzaki, et al.: "Hard X-ray emission from giant molecular cloud NGC6334 and M17"Japanese-German Workshop on High Energy Astrophysics. 56-59 (1998)