[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "Convcntionalized implicaturcs and cntrenchment of constructions in Japanes discourse : the case of reduced conditional"国際認知言語学会予稿集. (2001)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "Lexically(Un)filled Constructional Schemes and Construction Types for Modal Constructions in Japanese"First International Conference on Construction Grammar予稿集. (2001)
[文献書誌] 藤井聖子: "構文理論と言語習得"『英語青年』148巻第9号. (2001)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "A corpus-based study of reduced conditionals in Japanese conversation"Selected Papers from the 12^<th> International congress of Linguists(電子媒体). (2000)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "Indomaticity and Productivity Constructions"Keiko Construction grammar Workshop. 2002(3月予定).
[文献書誌] 藤井聖子: "認識的モダリティと"その周辺"との関連-文法化・多義性分析の観点から-"国立国語研究所国際シンポジウム「認識のモダリティとその周辺-日本語・英語・中国語の場合-」発表予稿集. 8-14 (2000)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "Types of deontic modal constructions in Japanese : a Construction Grammar approach"第6回国際認知言語学会予稿集(電子媒体). (1999)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "A corpus-based study of reduced conditionals in Japanese conversation"第12回国際応用言語学会抄録集. (1999)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: ""Background knowledge and Constructioal meanings : Japanese and English concessive conditional clause-linking Constructions""Pragmatics in 2000 : Selected Papers from the 7 International Pragmatics Conference. (2001)
[文献書誌] 藤井聖子: "「認識のモダリティとその周辺-日本語・英語・中国語の場合-(国立国語研究所編 凡人社)"「認識的モダリティと"その周辺"との関連-=文法化・多義性分析の観点から-」. 20/114 (2000)
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "Lexically(Un)filled Constructional Schemes and Construction Types : The Case of Japanese Modal Conditional Constructions Construction Grammar(S) : Cognitive dimensions(In In Ostman, J. & M.Fried(eds.))"John Benjamins Publishing Company(to appear).
[文献書誌] FUJII, Seiko: "Incipient decategorization of MONO and grammaticalization of speaker attitude in Japanese discourse Pragmatic Markers and Propositional Attitude(G.Andersen & T.Fretheim (eds.))"John Benjamins Publishing Company(to appear). 38/300 (2000)