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[文献書誌] Das,K.et al., including Yoshida,M.: "Geology and tectonic evolution of Strangways and Harts Range region of eastern Arungta Inlier,central Australia"Jour.Geosci.,Osaka City University. Vol.43(印刷中). (2000)
[文献書誌] Hada,S.: "Asian accretion of Gondwanaland-derived terranes and their final emplacement: IGCP Project 411"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 559-561 (1999)
[文献書誌] Haley,S.L.(研究協力者): "IGCP-368 business meeting,Wellington"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter). Vol.3(2). 265-265 (2000)
[文献書誌] Hamamoto, T. et al. including Osanai, Y.: "Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr and K-Ar geochronology of the Higo metamorphic terrain, west-central Kyushu, Japan"The Island Arc. Vol.8. 323-334 (1999)
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[文献書誌] Kokonyangi,J.et al.,including Yoshida,M.: "Lithostratigraphy and structural evolution of the Kalima-Moga tin district,Kibaran Belt(Maniema,Congo)"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter). Vol.3(2). 257-259 (2000)
[文献書誌] Nakamura,D.et al.,including HIrajima,T.: "Granulite-facies overprint on UHP rocks in the northeastern part of the Su-Lu region, eastern China"Jour.Petrol.. Vol.41(4)(印刷中). (2000)
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[文献書誌] Osanai,Y.et al.: "Geology of ultra high-temperature metamorphic rocks from Tonagh Island,Napier Complex,Enderby Land,East Antarctica"Polar Geosci.. No.12. 1-28 (1999)
[文献書誌] Osanai,Y.et al.: "The Higo high-grade metamorhic rocks in Japan as a part of the collisional terrane between the Sino-Korea and Yangtze Craton"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 599-600 (1999)
[文献書誌] Osanai,Y.et al.: "Protolith and Sm-Nd geochronology of garnet-clinopyroxene granulite and garnet amphibolite from Kurosegawa Belt in Kyushu,southwest Japan"Mem.Geol.Soc.Japan. No.56. 151-168 (2000)
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[文献書誌] Pandit,M.K.(研究協力者): "Orogenesis in the Outback"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 266-267 (2000)
[文献書誌] Rajesh,H.M.(研究協力者): "Characterization and origin of aluminous A-type granitoids from southwestern India"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 604-606 (1999)
[文献書誌] Santosh,M.(研究協力者): "A molybdenium province in the East Gondwanaland fragment of southern India Craton"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 606-607 (1999)
[文献書誌] Skiyarov,E.V.et al.,including Watanabe,T.: "Neoproterozoic mafic dike swarms in the southern margin of the Angara-Anabar Craton"Precamb.Res.. (印刷中).
[文献書誌] Wakita,K.et al.,including Hada,S.: "Digital terrane map of East and Southeast Asia"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 613-613 (1999)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,T.,et al.: "Latest Neoproterozoic Gondwana eastern margin"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter No.12). Vol.2(2). 291-293 (1999)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,T.et al.: "Neoproterozoic Attunga Eclogite in Eastgern Australia margin"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 613-613 (1999)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,T.et al.: "Zircon U-Pb sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe dating of granitoids in the Ryoke metamorphic balt, Kinki District, Southwest Japan"The Island Arc. Vol.9. 55-63 (2000)
[文献書誌] Watanabe,T.et al.: "Kuvai Group volcabnic rocks (Riphean) in the Beret area, Sayan Mountains, SW Siberia -A study of the Paleo-Asian Ocean-"Special Report on the Regional Studies of North-East Eurasia and North Pacific in Hokkaido University. 103-112 (2000)
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[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.: "Field visit to the Ribeira Fold Belt,1999"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter No. 14). Vol.3(2). 275-277 (2000)
[文献書誌] 吉田 勝: "第2回南米同位体シンポジウム"地質学会NEWS. Vol.2(11). 15-16 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "Juxtaposition of India and Madagascar: A perspective"Gondwana Research. Vol.2(3). 449-462 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida, M.: "Second Symposium of South American Isotope Geology"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 268-270 (2000)
[文献書誌] 吉田 勝 ほか: "第8回国際南極地学シンポジウム参加報告"地質学会NEWS. Vol.2(10). 6-6 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "Five years' activity of IGCP-368 "Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana""Gondwana Research. Vol.2(4). 638-641 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana: Progress in 1998"Gondwana Research (Gondwana News Letter No. 13). Vol.2(4). 665-667 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "IGCP-368: Activities and future programs"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter No.13). Vol.2(4). 667-669 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "Proterozoic events in East Gondwana, progress in 1999"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 253-255 (2000)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "Activity of IGCP-368 during 1999"Gondwana Research(Gondwana News Letter No.14). Vol.3(2). 261-264 (2000)
[文献書誌] Hamamoto,T.et al.including Osanai,Y.: "Sm-Nd,Rb-Sr and K-Ar geochronology of the Higo metamorphic terrain,west-central Kyusyu,Japan"The Island Arc. Vol.8. 323-334 (1999)
[文献書誌] Yoshida,M.et al.: "Madagascar Within Gondwanaland(Gondwana Research Vol.2,No.3,special issue)"International Association for Gondwana Research. 170 (1999)
[文献書誌] Rao,A.T.et al.,including Yoshida,M.: "Eastern Ghats Granulites, Gondwana Research Group Mem. No 5"Field Science Publishers (Osaka). 180 (1999)
[文献書誌] Wang,X.et al.(eds)(研究協力者): "Geodynamic and Tectonic Evolution of China and Related Gondwana Crustal Fragment(Gondwana Research Vol.2,No.4,special Issue)"International Association for Gondwana Research. 140 (1999)
[文献書誌] Wang,X.et al.(eds)(研究協力者): "Guidebook for Field Workshop to Yangtze Gorges Area in China"Yichang Center,China Geological Survey Press. 20 (1999)
[文献書誌] Xiong, C. et al. (eds)(研究協力者): "Guidebook for Field Workshop to the Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Belt in Central China"Yichang Center, China Geological Survey Press. 22 (1999)
[文献書誌] Wu,G.(研究協力者): "Geological Records of Paleotethysides Bordering China and Vietnam"Yichang Center,China Geological Survey Press. 34 (1999)
[文献書誌] Jain,A.K.et al.(eds)(研究協力者): "Geodynamics of the NW Himalaya,Gondwana Research Group Mem.6"Field Science Publishers (Osaka). 377 (1999)