[文献書誌] 中村泰之,中野裕司: "Java3Dを用いた古典力学系シミュレーション"2000PC Conference論文集(北海道大学). 215-216 (2000)
[文献書誌] Y.Nakamura and H.Nakano: "Development of 3D simulation programs for classical mechanics-Using Java 3D-"ICCE/ICCAE 2000, Taipei, Taiwan. Vol.2. 1602-1603 (2000)
[文献書誌] 中村泰之,中野裕司: "Java3Dを用いた古典力学系シミュレーション"日本物理学会第55回年次大会講演概要集(新潟大). 22pZC4 (2000)
[文献書誌] H.Nakano,Y.Sato,S.Matsuo and T.Ishimasa: "Development of 3-D visualization system for the study of physical properties of quasicrystals"Materials Science and Engineering A. Vol.294-296. 542-547 (2000)
[文献書誌] H.Nakano,T.Mizutani,Y.Nakamura and S.Matsuo: "Distance Education System for Real Experiments over the Web Integrated by Swing and Java3D-β-ray Radiation-"ICIMADE 2001, Fargo, USA. (受理済、掲載予定). 7 (2001)
[文献書誌] Y.Nakamura: "Interactive Distance Education System for Real Experiments over the Web"ICIMADE 2001, Fargo, USA. (受理済、掲載予定). 6 (2001)