[文献書誌] Wang Y-J, Sugimura H. et al.: "Genomic structure of human alpha-pix, and variable deletion in a poly (T) tract in gastric Cancers"Cancer Letters. 164(1). 69-75
[文献書誌] Rong-Jun Quo, Sugimura H. et al.: "Microsatellite Instability of Papillary Subtype of Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma and hMLH1 Promoter Hypermethylation in the Surrounding mucosa"Pathology International. 51. 2400-2407
[文献書誌] Otsuki Y., Sugimura H.et al.: "Tumor metastasis suppressor nm23-H1 regulates Racl GTPase byinteraction with Tiaml"Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA.. 98(8). 4385-4390
[文献書誌] Hanaoka T., Sugimura H.et al.: "hOGGi exon7 polymorphism and gastric cancer in case-control studies of Japanese Brazilians and non-Japanese Brazilians"Cancer Letters. 170. 53-61
[文献書誌] Yoshii S., Sugimura H.et al.: "Involvement of a PIX in the PAK1/JNK1 Activation and Apoptosis induced by Benzo(a)pyrene"MCB. 21. 6796-6807
[文献書誌] Baba M., Sugimura H.et al.: "Relationship ofp53 and Helicobacter pylori to clinicopathological features of human remnant stomach cancer after gastric surgery for primary gastric cancer"Oncol Rep.. 8(4). 831-834