[文献書誌] MORI,Shigefumi: "Boundedness of canonical Q-Fano 3-folds (with J.Kollar,Y.Miyaoka,H.Takagi)"Proc.Japan Acad.,Ser.A.Math.Sci. 76. 73-77 (2000)
[文献書誌] MORI,Shigefumi: "ON A HYPERPLANE SECTION THEOREM OF GURJAR"to appear Math.Annalen.
[文献書誌] MORI,Shigefumi: "A canonical bundle formul (with O.Fujino)"accepted by Journal of Diff.Geom..
[文献書誌] NAMIKAWA,Yoshinori: "Calabi-Yaus and Deformation theory"to appear in Sugaku Exposition,AMS.
[文献書誌] NAMIKAWA,Yoshinori: "Global smoothing of Calabi-Yau threefolds II"to appear in Compositio Math..
[文献書誌] NAMIKAWA,Yoshinori : "Deformation theory of singular symplectic n-folds"to appear in Math.Ann.
[文献書誌] NAMIKAWA,Yoshinori: "Extension of 2-forms and symplectic varieties"to appear in J.Reine Angew.Math..
[文献書誌] OGUISO,Keiji: "Projectivity via the dual Kahler cone-Huybrechts'criterion (with T.Peternell)"Asian J.Math.,(Kodaira volume). 4. 213-220 (2000)
[文献書誌] OGUISO,Keiji: "On Vorontsov's Theorem on K3 surfaces with non-symplectic group actions (with D.Q.Zhang)"Proc.AMS. 128. 1571-1580 (2000)
[文献書誌] HAYAKAWA,Takayuki: "Blowing ups of 3-dimensional terminal singularities,II"Publ.RIMS,Kyoto Univ.. 36. 423-456 (2000)
[文献書誌] FUJINO,Osamu: "Abundance theorem for semi log canonical threefolds"Duke Math.J.. 102. 513-532 (2000)