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[文献書誌] A.Miyake,H.Kominami,H.Tatsuoka,H.Kuwabara,Y.Nakanishi nad Y.Hatanaka: "Luminescent properties of ZnO thin films grown epitaxially on Si substrate"J.Crystal Growth. 214-215. 294-298 (2000)
[文献書誌] D.Mochizuki,M.Niraula,T.Aoki,T.Nagai,M.Kinoshita Y.Hatanaka: "Pattern doping on CdTe by excimer laser irradiation"J.Crystal Growth. 214/215. 520-523 (2000)
[文献書誌] M.Niraula,D.Mochizuki,T.Aoki,Y.Tomita and Y.Hatanaka: "Performance of CdTe gamma-ray detectors fabricated in a new M-π-n design"J.Crystal Growth. 214/215. 1116-1120 (2000)
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[文献書誌] T.Aoki,H.Nonaka,Y.Hatanaka: "Zinc Oxicide Film Deposition by Plasma CVD Using Znic Acetylacetonate"Proc.of The Seventh International Display Workshops. 925-928 (2000)
[文献書誌] T.Aoki,A.Nakamura,D.C.Look,Y.Hatanaka: "Fabrication of a ZnO LED by Excimer Laser Doping Technique"Proc.of The 10th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence. 141-144 (2000)
[文献書誌] A.Miyake,H.Kominami,T.Aoki,H.Tatsuoka,H.Kuwabara,Y.Nkanishi,Y.Hatanaka: "Growth of ZnO epitaxial thin films showing exciton emission on Si substrate"Proc.of 5th Joint International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology. 226-229 (2000)
[文献書誌] D.Noda,A.Nakamura,T.Aoki,Y.Hatanaka: "Performance and improvement of CdZnTe based diode for radiation detectors"Proc.of 5th Joint International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology. 320-323 (2000)
[文献書誌] H.Kubota,T.Aoki,M.Nagai,M.Kinosita,Y.Hatanaka: "n-ZnSe/GaAs/p-ZnSe heterostructure diode for nuclear radiation detectors"Proc.of 5th Joint International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology. 324-327
[文献書誌] A.Nakamura,M.Niraula,D.Noda,T.Aoki,Y.Hatanaka: "Pressure dependence of excimer laser processing"Proc.of 5th Joint International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology. 39. 404-409 (2000)
[文献書誌] A.Miyake,H.Kominami,H.Tatsuoka,H.Kuwabara,Y.Nakanishi,Y.Hatanaka: "Growth of Epitaxial ZnO Thin Film by Oxidation of Epitaxial ZnS Film on Si(111) Subatrate"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. 39. L1186-L1187 (2000)