[文献書誌] Mitsuhiro Ogawa, Tatsuo Togawa: "Long term remote behavioral monitoring of elderly by using sensors installed in ordinary houses"Proceedings of the Second Annual International lEEE-EMBS Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology. 322-325 (2002)
[文献書誌] Mitsuhiro Ogawa, Tatsuo Togawa: "Home health monitoring and the necessity of large-scale computational analysis"Intornational Russian-Japanese Symposium on Actual Problems of Computational Mechanics Abstructs. (口頭発表). (2002)
[文献書誌] Mitsushiro Ogawa, Ryoji Suzuki, Sakuko Otaks, Takeshi Izutsu, Tsutomu Iwaya, Tatsuos Togawa: "Long-term remote behavioral monitoring of the elderly using sensors installed in domestic houses"Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference of EMBS & Annual Fall Meeting of the BMES. 1853 (2002)
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[文献書誌] 小川充洋, テリー・エルベ, 戸川達男: "3軸加速度・地磁気センサによる運動計測の試み"第41回日本エム・イー学会秋季大会抄録・論文集. 40・supl2. 134-135 (2002)