[文献書誌] 菊川理絵: "The Effect of Elastin Peptides on Cell Migration in Cultured Chick Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells"Peptide Science 1999. 225-228 (2000)
[文献書誌] Maria Portia P.Briones: "Chemotactic Activation of Macrophages by Elastin Hexapeptide Sequences and Its Signaling Mechanism"Peptide Science 1999. 221-224 (2000)
[文献書誌] 前田衣織: "Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody Against Elastin Hexapeptide Sequence and Its Recognition Site"Peptide Science 1999. 217-220 (2000)
[文献書誌] 甲斐原梢: "Effect of Selective Metal Ion Binding on Structural and Functional Characteristics of Elastin Peptides"Peptide Science 1999. 263-266 (2000)
[文献書誌] Maria Portia P.Briones : "Comparison of Chemotactic Activity of Macrophages Induced by Permutations of Elastin-derived Hexapeptide VGVAPG and Pentapepide VGVPG"Peptide Science 2000. 255-258 (2001)
[文献書誌] 福元祥晃: "Elastin-derived Polypeptides, (VPGVG)n, (VPGV)n and (VPG)n : Coacervation Property and Specific Interaction with Metal Ions"Peptide Science 2000. 189-192 (2001)
[文献書誌] 岡元孝二: "Vascular Biology ナビゲーター"メディカルレビュー(印刷中).