[文献書誌] Haryu, E., Imai M.: "Reorganizing the lexicon by learning a new word : Japanese children's interpretation of the meaning of a new word for a familiar artifact"Child Development. (in press).
[文献書誌] Imai, M., Haryu, E., Okada H.: "Is verb learning easier than noun learning for Japanese children ? : 3-year-old Japanese children's knowledge about object names and action name"Proceedings of the 26^<th> Boston University Conference of Language Development. (in press).
[文献書誌] Imai, M., Haryu, E.787-803: "Learning proper nouns and common nouns without clues from syntax"Child Development. 72(3). 787-803 (2001)
[文献書誌] 今井むつみ: "サピア・ワーフ仮説再考:思考形成における言語の役割、その相対性と普遍性"心理学研究. 71(5). 415-433 (2000)
[文献書誌] Imai, M., Mazuka, R., Gentner, S.Golden-Meadow(Eds.): "Re-evaluation of linguistic relativity : Language-specific categories and the role of universal ontological knowledge in the construal of individuation"MIT Press(To appear).
[文献書誌] Imai, M, Haryu, E, To appear S.Waxman, (eds.): "The nature of word learning biases : From a cross linguistic perspective. Weaving the lexicom"MIT Press(in press).
[文献書誌] 今井むつみ, 大西, 鈴木(編): "概念発達と言語発達における類似性の役割「類似からみた心」"共立出版. 148-178 (2001)
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[文献書誌] Imai, M., In S.Niemeier, R.Dirven(Eds.): "Universal ontological knowledge and a bias toward language-specific categories in the construal of individuation. Evidence for Linguistic Relativity"Amsterdam : John Benjamins. 139-160 (2000)