[文献書誌] B.chen,H.Itoyama,H.Kinata: "No nabellan manapoles. from mafrices."Naclear Physics B. 577. 23-46 (2000)
[文献書誌] B.Chen, H.Itoyama,T.Matsuo,K.Murakami: "p-p'System with B field, branes at angles and noncommutative geronetry"Nuclear Rhysics B. 576. 177-195 (2000)
[文献書誌] B.Chen.H.Itoyama,T.Matsuo, K.Murakami: "Worldsheet and spautime proputies of p-p'system with B field and noncommut ative geornetry"nucler Physics. 593. 505-544 (2001)
[文献書誌] Y.Arakane,H.Itoyema: "Anomalous Interactions of Five Dimensional VSp (2K) Gauge Theory"to appear in Int .I.Mod,Phys. A bep-th 0003009.
[文献書誌] A.Fajii,H.Itoyama: "Behavior of Boundary string Field Theory Associated with Integrable Massless Flow"To appear in Phys,Rer,letter bep-Th 0012150.
[文献書誌] B,Chen.H.Itoyama,T.Mato K.murakami: "as Correspondence.between Noncommutative Solitor and Open String/D-brane system ria Gaussian Damping Factor"To appear in Prog.Theor.Phys. bep-th 00010016.
[文献書誌] 糸山浩: "変貌する超弦理論(PARITY)"丸善. (2001)