[文献書誌] 小島 成, 亀本 喬司: "渦法による水平軸風車周りの非定常流れ解析"ターボ機械. 29・5. 55-63 (2001)
[文献書誌] K.Fukuda, K.Kamemoto, B.Zhu: "Numerical investigation of unsteady deformation of eddy syructure by vortex methods"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 73-70 (2001)
[文献書誌] S.Ota, K.Kamemoto: "Study on higher resolution of vorticity layer a solid boundary for vortex methods"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 33-44 (2001)
[文献書誌] B.Zhu, K.Kamemoto: "Computing the flows around a moving bluff body by a Lagrangian vortex method"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 157-164 (2001)
[文献書誌] A.Ojima, K.Kamemoto: "Numerical simulation of unsteady flow through a horizontal axis wind turbine by a vortex method"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 173-180 (2001)
[文献書誌] K.Kamemoto: "Engineering application of vortex methods developed in Yokohama National University"Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 197-209 (2001)