[文献書誌] B.Hong, K.Kawano: "The Growth of Rare Earth Doped Fluoride Crystals for Wavelength Conversion Solar Cell"The 13th International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-13). (Abstracts). 594 (2001)
[文献書誌] Q.Lin, K.Kawano, Khyne Nyunt: "Degradation Mechanism of Electrical Efficiency of CMOS-SRAM Originated from Lattice Defects Produced by γ-ray Irradiation"International Symposium on New Prospecte of ESR Dosimetry and Dating (ESRDD2001). (Abstracts). 36 (2001)
[文献書誌] S.Takagi, N.Kotani, Khine Nyunt, K.Kawano: "ESR Defect Characterization of FIB Irradiated S_i/S_iO_2"International Symposium on Now Prospects of ESR Dosimetry and Dating (ESRDD2001). (Abstracts). 88 (2001)
[文献書誌] M.Deguchi, I.Tomizawa, T.Oka, N.Abe, K.Kawano: "ObServation of Natural and Cosmic Radiation Effecting on Electronic Devices"International Symposium on New Prospects of ESR Dosimetry_and Dating (ESRDD2001). (Abstracts). 89 (2001)
[文献書誌] B.Madhu Sudhana, K.Kawano, O.Anzawa: "Etching and Sintering Effects on Irradiated Ga-doped p-type Silicon Wafers-an ESR Study"Third Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium(APES'01). (Abstracts). 989 (2001)