[文献書誌] Takashi Hotta,Yasutami Takada,Hiroyasu Koizumi,Elbio Dagotto: "Topologocal Scenario for Stripe Formation in Manganese Oxides"Physical Review Letters. 84. 2477-2480 (2000)
[文献書誌] Seiji Yunoki,Takashi Hotta,Elbio Dagotto: "Ferromagnetic,A-type,and Charge-Ordered CE-type States in Doped Manganites using Jahn-Teller Phonons"Physical Review Letters. 84. 3714-3717 (2000)
[文献書誌] Takashi Hotta and Elbio Dagotto: "Competition between ferromagnetic and charge-orbital ordered phases in Pr_-{1・x}Ca_-{x}MnO_-3 for x=1/4,3/8,and 1/2"Physical Review B(Rapid Communications). 61. 11879-11882 (2000)
[文献書誌] Takashi Hotta,Andre L.Malvezzi,Elbio Dagotto: "Charge-orbital ordering and phase-separation in the two-orbital model for manganites : Roles of Jahn-Teller phononic and Coulombic interactions"Physical Review B. 62. 9432-9452 (2000)
[文献書誌] Elbio Dagotto,Takashi Hotta,Adriana Moreo: "Colossal Magnetoresistant Materials : The Key Role of Phase Separation"Physics Reports. (出版予定).
[文献書誌] Takashi Hotta,Elbio Dagotto,Hiro-yasu Koizumi,Yasutami Takada: "Comment on"Charge-Orbital Stripe Structure in La_-{1-x}Ca_-{x}MnO_-3(x=1/2,2/3)""Physical Review Letters. (出版予定).