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[文献書誌] M.Maeda, H.Miyajima: "Competitive Learning Algorithms Founded on Adaptivity and Sensitivity Deletion Methods"IEICE Trans. Fundamentals. Vol.E83-A, no.12. 2770-2774 (2000)
[文献書誌] M.Maeda, H.Miyajima: "Properties of Deletion Methods in Competitive Learning"IEEE Proc.Int.Symp.Circuits and Systems. Vol.III. 707-710 (2001)
[文献書誌] M.Maeda, H.Miyajima: "Creation Method of Competitive Learning with Inputs in Partition Space"IASTED Proc.Int.Conf.Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol.1. 20-25 (2001)
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[文献書誌] M.Maeda, H.Miyajijma: "Adaptive Vector Quantization with Deletion Method Based on Equinumber of Inputs in Partition Space"WSEAS/IEEE Proc.Int.Conf.Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers. (in press). (2002)