[文献書誌] Shin-ichi NAKANO: "Planar Drawings of Plane Graphs"IEICE TRANS.INF.& SYST.. VolE83-D. 384-391 (2000)
[文献書誌] Sayaka Nagai and Shin-ichi Nakano: "A Linear-Time Algorithm to Find Independent Spanning Trees in Maximal Planar Graphs"電子情報通信学会英文論文誌 A,離散数学とその応用小特集号(2001年5月)採録. (印刷中).
[文献書誌] K.Miura,S.Nakano,T.Nishizeki: "Convex Grid Drawings of Four-Connected Plane Graphs"Proc.of eleventh Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2000,. LNCS,1969. 254-265 (2000)
[文献書誌] Md.Saidur Rahman,Shin-ichi Nakano and Takao Nishizeki: "A Linear Algorithm for Bend-Optimal Orthogonal Drawings of Triconnected Cubic Plane Graphs"Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. Vol.3. 31-62 (2000)
[文献書誌] Md.Saidur Rahman,Shin-ichi Nakano and Takao Nishizeki: "Box-rectangular Drawings of Plane Graphs"Journal of Algorithms. Vol.37. 363-398 (2000)
[文献書誌] K.Miura,S.Nakano,T.Nishizeki: "Grid Drawings of Four-connected Plane Graphs"Discrete & Computational Geometry 採録. (印刷中).
[文献書誌] 中野 他5名: "離散構造とアルゴリズム,7"近代科学社. 37 (2000)