[文献書誌] H.Mizubayashi, D.Kashimura, K.Yokota, H.Tanimoto: "Elasticity and Resistivity Study on the Electromigration Effect Observed in Aluminum-Silicon Copper Alloy Thin Films"Materials Science and Engineering A. (in press). (2002)
[文献書誌] H.Tanimoto, Y.Koda, S.Sakai, H.Mizubayashi, E.Kita: "Nanostructure and Thermal Stability of Au Film Prepared by Spattering Technique"Scripta Materialia. 44. 2231-2235 (2001)
[文献書誌] H.Mizubayashi, N.Kameyama, T.Hao, H.Tanimoto: "Crystallization under electropulsing suggesting a resonant collective motion of many atoms and modification of thermodynamic parameters in amorphous alloys"Physical Review B. 64. 054201-1to10 (2001)
[文献書誌] H.Tanimoto, Y.Koda, S.Sakai, E.Kita, H.Mizubayashi: "Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline FCC Metals"Proc. of the 22^<nd> Riso International Symposium on Materials Science : Ed. A. R. Dinesen et al., Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 2001. 401-406 (2001)
[文献書誌] S.Sakai, H.Tanimoto, K.Otsuka, T.Yamada, Y.Koda, E.Kita, H.Mizubayashi: "Elastic Behaviors of High Density Nanocrystalline Gold Prepared by Gas Deposition Method"Scripta Materialia. 45. 1313-1319 (2001)
[文献書誌] H.Mizubayashi, S.Murayama, H.Tanimoto: "Feasibility of High-Strength and High-Damping Materials by means of Hydrogen Internal Friction in Amorphous Alloys"J. Alloys and Compounds. 330-332. 389-392 (2002)