研究概要 |
I have completed the gene expression analysis for Sulf1, Sulf2, HS6ST1, and HS6ST2 in the mammalian inner ear. I have also completed the analysis of the mouse Sulf1/Sulf2 mutant inner ear provided by Masayuki Masu at The University of Tsukuba. . I have found that the expression of both of the sulfatases follows a similar, highly dynamic pattern during mammalian inner ear development. At early stages (E1 2.5) of inner ear development, both Sulfl and Sulf2 are expressed in the lateral wall of the developing cochlea, directly opposite the medial wall. By later stages (E17.5 and PO), Sulf1 and Sulf2 are also expressed in the inner and outer hair cells of the cochlea. HS6ST 1 and HS6ST2 are expressed in the non-sensory cells that border the sensory patches of the vestibular sensory epithelia. In the cochlea they are expressed in the cells of the lateral wall that include both Resiners membrane and the stria vascularis. We have discovered a mild but consistent phenotype in the inner ears of Sulf1/Sulf2 mutant mice. The cochleae of these mice contain a small but significant increase in the number of inner and outer hair cells present. We hypothesized that this phenotype may due to the loss of Sulfl and Sulf2 expression during the early stages of sensory epithelia formation, when their expression domain reaches the posterior edge of the developing region of sensory competent cells. Thus we looked at the expression of the sensory patch marker, sox2, during these stages, and found that its expression domain appears to extend into the posterior lateral wall in comparison with wild type siblings.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The experiments I wanted to do have been completed and are being written up as two research papers. I have also had the opportunity to collaborate with other lab members, and a group at the University of Toronto, which will lead to a further two research paper authorships.