研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 中京大学 |
研究代表者 |
浅野 豊美 中京大学, 国際教養学部, 教授
研究分担者 |
WU Karl 中京大学, 国際教養学部, 外国人特別研究員
キーワード | アジア系移民 / 移民研究 / 脱植民地化 / 引揚 / 国際秩序 / 国民国家 / 満州 / 台湾 |
研究概要 |
The phase of collecting research data for analysis has approached to the final stage. We have started to classify the data in categories for further process and publication. More detailed data collection has proceeded in this year and the presentation to the academic community has also been arranged in several occasions. The collected data is now grouped into two main subsets namely the "post-war socio-economic arrangements" and "migration documents. " Data collected from the National Archives of Taiwan and from Archives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan falls into the first category while the data collected from Vancouver Archives and Nikkei Centre put to the second. Through a more developed classifying system the whole picture of how migration was motivated and proceeded will become clear. We have also contacted and reached a preliminary agreement with a publisher regarding having the data published in the form of a book. Further data has also been collected in the visits to Vancouver Archives and Nikkei Centre in this year. Mainly the files concerning the Japanese Canadian community building, internment camp history and education development in North America have been reproduced for further analysis. We have also made several presentations at different academic occasions including the Asian Studies Association annual meeting and the Taiwan History Studies group(台湾史研究会). We have also exchanged opinion with scholars in migration studies at American Studies Association meeting in Taipei this year. Their opinions will be included when we process the data collected.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The data collection has moved from the general statistics and official documents at the starting stage of this study to a more focused and issue—oriented data. This has given the research more grounded data to yield further theoretical analysis. Also the publication of the data is also underway as planned in the research project
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the final stage of the study we will continue to obtain more detailed files from the archives we have visited so far. The analysis of the data will be completed in this year and be made public in accordance with the publication of the data. In the upcoming North American Taiwan Studies Association meeting in the U. S. the preliminary analysis will be presented to other scholars for discussion. A continuous collaboration with the Negawa research team at 国際日本文化研究センター will also likely to proceed in getting one or two articles published on a comparative (North and South America) studies theme.