今後の研究の推進方策 |
Current experiments are being performed in order to solve the issue related to the oxidized portion of titanium on the plate/cathode. In particular, taking as output variable the production yield of TiCl_2, the addition of magnesium to reduce and precipitate TiO_2 has been put under investigation. Whereas results will not be as expected, the application of a reverse potential transient to the titanium cathode will be also investigated with the aim to produce chlorine gas which then converts the oxidized portions of titanium (Tio_2) to titanium tetrachloride (TiCl_4). Furthermore, next experiment will consist of an electrochemical study to deepen the involved mechanisms and to improve the electro winning operation. In particular, by performing cyclic voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and chronoamperometry, few important parameters such as the diffusion coefficient and the amount of electrons involved in each electrochemical reaction will be evaluated along with the nucleation mechanism.