研究概要 |
As a result of technical modifications done in Hungary while I visited my home institute, I was able to bring few the modified EDAPHOLOG Systems to Japan, and shortly after some further, technical repair work, then to install them in my research site. According to my plan they will stay on site until the weather conditions do not endanger the system or until the system can work properly. Finally they will be removed and returned to Hungary by mail. By now the network of the system elements has been established and it has been working correctly for approximately 2 weeks. Generally speaking, it means that installation of the system including the soil microarthropod probes and the loggers & controllers was successful and after the initial, set-up time period data recording will follow. Data recording includes two main tasks : I. Downloading data on the number of microarthropods and their body sizes from the data loggers & controllers and 2. Collecting soil animals with traditional methods so that data on abundance and body size of microarthropods can be compared later between EDAPHOLOG and manual methods, and eventually calibration of data from EDAPHOLOG to local conditions becomes practicable. In addition I also plan to bring and add a further system unit to the research, which means that I will be able to include another experimental site in the research. Certainly, this work will require further technical, repair work and visit to Hungary. In the following months I will collect data on the study site (s) regularly by manual methods and by the means of EDAPHOLOG. Then data analysis and microscopic classification of soil microarthropods will follow. It is a very time consuming, laborious work, so this phase may go beyond the period of mv fellowship program.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Although I had expected technical difficulties, I hoped for less problems in the preparation of the research. Nevertheless, as it is a new method and device that has never been used anywhere else but Hungary, and only once so far, consequently the difficulties are not extreme and they have been solved so far.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
1. EDAPHOLOG System was developed and then built to be used in a European GSM/GPRS environment initially. As a result of this I faced with technical difficulties in installing the system initially. 2. The first prototypes of the system are in limited number, not yet commercialized or replicable easily. Because few pieces had been flooded in Hungary before I brought them to Japan I needed to repair them in Japan. These problems were solved. Additional pieces will be prepared and then brought to Japan to extend the research into another experimental site. It can result in more data, and more comprehensive results concerning later analysis or publication.