研究概要 |
The purpose of this research is R&D for a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for a search for μ->eee at MuSIC (Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University). The plan for this year was : building a prototype TPC ; testing of electronics readout ; and measurements with radioactive sources, cosmic rays and beam tests. -Building the prototype TPC : All necessary parts for the prototype have been bought. Five standard GEM foils are bought from CERN (imported by REPIC). The foils have active area of 100x100 mm2, holes outer diameter of 70 micron and pitch of 140 micron. Chamber parts are made by REPIC. The distance between GEM stages are 2 mm, maximum drift distance is 10 mm. The assembling has not been done yet since the parts were delivered quite late, and I was busy with another experiment (AlCap at PSI, this is the work needed for my graduate thesis). -Testing of electronics readout and other measurements : As a consequence of the delayed assembling, no test or measurement has been done yet.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
4: 遅れている
Tha GEM foils were dolivered in October 2013, and the chamber parts were delivered in November 2013. I did not have time to do the assembling because I left for the AlCap experiment-which is needed for my graduate thosis-at PSI, Switzerland from November 22 to December 23, 2013. After that, I am occupied with data analysis for the AICap experiment.