研究概要 |
In this year, I reported a case of bird consumption in one chimpanzee at Bossou, Guinea in the journal of Pan Africa News. Chimpanzees at Bossou have shown low rates of meat consumption compared to other chimpanzee communities. Thus the current observation added an important new case of food repertoire at this research site. In this year, I continued experimental studies in chimpanzees to understand evolutionary origins of behavioral coordination in humans. I examined whether synchronous movement occurs between two chimpanzees while they produce rhythmic tapping movements under face-to-face setup. In this setup, auditory and visual information of the other' s movement was available. Two pairs of mother and her biological offspring chimpanzees and one pair of non-kin adult female chimpanzees participated in this experiment. Preliminary results showed that all the three chimpanzee pairs produced in-phase synchronous tapping movement with their partner. This result was comparable to the previous experiments conducted in side-by-side setting. In the side-by-side setup, information of the other' s movement was available only through auditory exchange. Taken together, obtained results suggest that significant interactional synchrony occurs when chimpanzees see each other and hear the sounds of their partner' s movement.