[文献書誌] Noriko Imafuji, Masaro Kitsuregawa: "Finding Web Communities by Maximum Flow Algorithm using Well-Assigned Edge Capacity"電子情報通信学会英文論文誌D. Vol.87-D, No.2. 407-415 (2004)
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[文献書誌] Noriko Imafuji, Masaru Kitsuregawa: "Finding a Web Community by Maximum Flow Algorithm with HITS Score Based Capacity"Proceedings of 8^<th> International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications(DASFAA2003). 101-106 (2003)
[文献書誌] Iko Pamudiono, Masaru Kitsuregawa: "Tree Structure based Parallel Grequent Pattern Mining on PC Cluster"Proceedings of 14^<th> International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA2003). 537-544 (2003)
[文献書誌] Masaru Kitsuregawa, Iko Pramudiono: "PC Cluster Based Parallel Frequent Pattern Mining and Parallel Web Access Pattern Miming"Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems(DNIS2003). 172-17 (2003)
[文献書誌] イコプラムディオノ, 喜連川 優: "Fp-growthの無共有並列実行:Shared Nothing Parallel Execution of FP-growth"日本データベース学会Letters (DBSJ Letters). Vol.2,No.1. 43-46 (2003)