すべて 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (195件) 図書 (13件)
ページ: 1-13
Proceedings of 7-th autums workshop on number theory
ページ: 1-22
International J.Math. 16 No.3
ページ: 1-31
Publication RIMS (発表予定)
Comment.Math.Univ.St.Pauli 51(to appear)
International J.Math. Vol.16 No.3
Publication RIMS (to appear)
Proceedings of 49-th Symposium on Algebra
Proceedings of the 7-th autumn workshop on number theory, "Differential operators on Siegel modular forms and application"
ページ: 1-30
ページ: 137-148
Abhand.Math.Semi.Univ.Hamburg 74
ページ: 101-121
Duke Math.J. 122
ページ: 51-91
J.Algebra 274
ページ: 80-96
Discrete Math 277
ページ: 15-28
Algebra i Analiz 16
ページ: 1-23
ページ: 13-26
Publ.RIMS, Kyoto Univ 40
ページ: 1337-1384
Frobenius Manifolds, Aspects of Mathematics E36
ページ: 265-320
数理解析研究所講究録 1398
ページ: 82-111
Symmetry in nonlinear mathematical physics Part 1,2,3, Pr.Inst.Mat.Nats.Akad.Nauk Ukr.Mat.Zastos.50 National Akad.Nauk Ukraini.Inst.Mat.Kiev Part 1,2,3
ページ: 1145-1151
J.Number Theory 104
ページ: 100-117
数学 56
ページ: 366-379
京大数理研報告集「代数的組合せ論」 1392
ページ: 1-14
Proceedings of COE Workshop on Sphere Packing MHF Lecture Note Series 1
ページ: 26-31
Ann.of Math. (2)159
ページ: 535-596
International Journal of Mathematics 15
ページ: 1033-1064
Japanese Journal of Mathematics 30
ページ: 183-226
Contemporary Math.Amer.Math.Soc. 344
ページ: 339-350
Commentarii Mathematici Univ.Sancti Pauli 53
ページ: 77-83
Manuscripta Math. 115
ページ: 259-280
J.Math.Soc.Japan 56-4
ページ: 967-991
European Journal of Combinatorics 25
ページ: 243-259
Contributions to automorphic forms, geometry, and number theory
ページ: 105-130
Abhand.Math.Semi.Univ.Hamburg no.74
Proceedings 2nd Spring Conference
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku "Construction of modular forms and its application"
Discrete Math. 277
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku No.1392 Algebraic Combinatorics
Poceedings of COE Workshop on Sphere Packings, MHF Lecture Note Series Vol 1
Ann.of Math.(2) 159 no.2
Natsional.Akad.Nauk Ukraini, Inst.Mat., Kiev
Duke Math.J. 122 no.1
J.Algebra 274 no.1
Publ.RIMS, Kyoto Univ. vol.40
Aspects of Mathematics (C.Hertling and M.Marcolli(eds.)) vol.E36
International Journal of Mathematics Vo1.15-No.10
Japanese Journal of Mathematics Vol.30-No.1
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku "Modular forms and application" 1398
Sugaku 56
Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Contemporary Math.(Amer.Math.Soc.) 344
Commentarii Mathematici Univ.Sancti Pauli. 53
Contributions to automorphic forms, geometry, and number theory(Johns Hopkins Univ.Press, Baltimore, MD)
Proceedings of Conference on Number theory, Waseda University
ページ: 1-42
Nagoya Math.J 170
J.Number Theory 102 no.2
ページ: 223-256
Abhand.Math.Semi.Univ.Hamburg 73
ページ: 13-42
J.Algebra 268
ページ: 653-671
第2回保型形式 周辺分野スプリングコンファレンス報告集
ページ: 95-144
ページ: 195-204
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 1338
ページ: 91-106
Publications of the RIMS. Kyoto University 39-3
ページ: 451-533
雑誌「数学」 55-1
ページ: 72-88
数理解析研究所講究録 1342
ページ: 1-12
J.Reine Angew.Math. 559
ページ: 25-51
京大数理解析研究所講究録 1338
Nagoya Math.J. 170
ページ: 185-211
"Vertex operator algebra in Mathematics and Physics" Fields Institute Communications 39
Osaka J.Math 140
ページ: 375-391
数理解析研究所講究録「代数的組合せ論」 1327
ページ: 148-158
Mathematics of computation 72
ページ: 865-889
Tohoku Math J. 55
ページ: 1-64
数理解析研究所講究録 1324
ページ: 207-216
J.of Algebra 265
ページ: 496-512
J.Math Soc.Japan 55
ページ: 1061-1080
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 1319
ページ: 211-219
J.Number Theory Vol.102, No.2
Abhand.Math.Semi.Univ.Hamburg, Band 73
Proceedings 1st Spring Conference on Modular forms and related topics "Ring of Modular Forms"
J.Algebra 268 no.2
Proceedings of the 35th Symposium on Ring Theory and Representation Theory (Okayama, 2002)(Symp.Ring Theory Represent Theory Organ.Comm., Okayama)
ページ: 139-148
Proc.2nd Spring Conference on modular forms and related topics
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku 1338
Proceedings 10-th Summer School on Number Theory "Prehomogeneous Vector Space"
Publications of the RIMS, Kyoto University Vol.39-3
Sugaku 55-1
ページ: 1-72-88
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku, "Study on modular forms on symmetric domain of type IV" 1342
Tohoku Math.J. 55
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku "Modular forms and representation of algebraic groups over local fields" 1338
J.Math.Soc.Japan 55
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku 1319
Mem.Amer.Math.Soc. 164 no.782
ページ: x+139
Vertex operator algebras in Mathematics and Physics, Fields Institute Communications 39
Osaka J.Math. 140 no.2
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku, Algebraic Combinatorics 1327
Mathematics of Computation vol72, NO.242
T.M.M.(American Mathematical Society) vol.215
ページ: xxii+288
Proc.Japan Acad. 79A
ページ: 148-151
DEVM 11(Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht/Boston/London)
ページ: 39-64
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku 1324
Kyushu Jour.Math. 57-2
ページ: 383-409
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku, Modular forms and representation of algebraic groups over local fields 1338
ページ: 136-146
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku, Harmonic Analysis of p-adic group 1321
ページ: 17-42
Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar, Explicit Structures of Modular Forms and Zeta Functions
ページ: 80-89
ページ: 235-248
京大数理解析研究所講究録「保型形式およびそれに附随するディリクレ級数の研究」 1281
ページ: 129-140
Proceeding of the 35th Symposium on Ring Theory and Representation Theory
数学の最先端 21世紀への挑戦
ページ: 126-159
Manuscripte der Forschergruppe Arithmetik Universitat Mannheim and Universitat Heidelberg 9
ページ: 1-40
Proceedings of Japanese-German seminar "Explicit structures of modular forms and zeta functions"
ページ: 233-239
数理解析研究所講究録 1281
ページ: 167-175
Comment.Math.Univ.St.Pauli 51
ページ: 79-97
数理解析研究所講究録 1296
ページ: 92-100
Proc.Japan Acad.Ser.A Math.Sci. 78
ページ: 120-125
京大数理解析研究所講究録 1281
ページ: 114-125
Monutshefte fur Math 135
ページ: 157-166
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 1281
ページ: 227-234
Proc.of Japanese-German Seminar on "Explicit Structures of Modular Forms and Zeta Functions"
ページ: 167-171
Int.J.Math. 13
ページ: 797-820
J.Math.Sci.Univ.Tokyo 9
ページ: 347-404
ページ: 31-58
ページ: 1-11
Matimyas Matematika 25
ページ: 12-24
ページ: 1-8
Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 354
ページ: 837-852
J.Algebra 251
ページ: 23-69
Proceedings of Japanese-German seminar "Explicit structure of modular forms and zeta functions (ed. by T.Ibukiyama and W.Kohnen)
Proc.9-th Summer School of Number Theory
Kyoto Univ. Suriken-Kokyuroku 1281 "Study on Modular forms and their associated Dirichlet series"
Matimyas Matematika (Official Journal of Mathematical Society of Philippines)(special issue) Vol 25
Proceedings of Meeting on combinatorial number theory and algebraic combinatorics(Yamagata Univ.)
Top frontier of mathematics and challenge to 21 century, (translation from "Mathematics Unlimited 2001")(Springer Verlag Tokyo)
Manuscripte der Forschergruppe Arithmetik Universitat Mannheim und Universitat Heidelberg Nr.9
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku No.1281
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku, Deformation of differential equations and asymptotic analysys No.1296
J.Nath.Sci.Univ.Tokyo 9
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku "Modular forms and associated Dirichlet series" 1281
Monatshefte fur Math. 135
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku 1281
Proc.Japanese-German Seminar "Explicit Structures of Modular Forms and Zeta Functions", Proc.of
Trans.Amer.Math.Soc.(electronic) 354 no.2
Manuscripta Math. 107
ページ: 283-288
Seven unsolved problems in mathematics(Morikita Shuppan)
Proceedings of Conference on Number Theory, Waseda University
Israel J.Math. 129
ページ: 253-389
Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar "Explicit study of modular forms and zeta functions"
ページ: 222-232
京大数理研講究録「代数的整数論とその周辺」 1200
ページ: 71-81
Proceedings of the Workshop on Number Theory 2001, Institute of Math. Waseda Univ
ページ: 104-113
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 32
ページ: 245-254
Sugaku Expositions 14
ページ: 191-204
Adv.Stud.Pure Math 32
ページ: 315-324
J.Algebra 239
ページ: 56-76
Proceedings on Moonshine and Related Topics CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes series 30
ページ: 185-222
Proceedings on Moonshine and related topics CRM Proc.Lecture Notes 30
ページ: 131-137
Mathematics Unlimited 2001 and beyond
ページ: 1003-1018
Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 50
ページ: 141-146
Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar "Explicit structures of modular forms and Zeta functions"
ページ: 177-190
Journal of Functional Analysis 185
ページ: 297-341
京大数理解析研究所講究録 1219
ページ: 51-61
Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar on "Explicit structures of modular forms and zeta functions"
ページ: 240-251
Comment.Math.Univ.St.Pauli 50
ページ: 197-234
京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 1200
ページ: 65-70
J.Algebra 240
ページ: 289-325
International Mathematics Research Notices 8
ページ: 409-428
数学セミナー 10
ページ: 28-34
Sugaku Expositions 14, no.2
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku 1200 "Algebraic number theory and related topics"
Proceedings of the Workshop on Number Theory 2001(Institute of Math.Waseda Univ.)
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Vol 32
Adv.Stud.Pure Math.(Math.Soc.Japan, Tokyo) 32
CRM Proc.Lecture Notes(Amer.Math.Soc.Providence, RI) 30
J.Algebra 239 no.1
Mathmatics Unlimited 2001 and beyond(Springer Verlag)
CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes sereis(edited by J.McKay and Sebbar)(published by AMS) Vol.30
Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli vol.50
Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar "Explicit structures of modular forms and Zeta functions" (ED. by T.Ibukiyama and W.Kohnen)
Journal of Functional Analysis Vol.185
Kyoto Univ.Suriken-Kokyuroku "Development of analytic number theory and related problems" 1219
Proceedings of Japanese-German Seminar "Explicit structures of modular forms and Zeta functions" (Ed. by T.Ibukiyama and W.Kohnen)
Kyoto Univ.Suriken Kokyuroku 1200
International Mathematics Research Notice 8
Sugaku Seminar (Nippon Hyoronsha) 2001-10
Symmetry in nonlinear mathematical physics. Part1,2,3
Pr.Inst.Mat.Nats.Akad.Nauk Ukr.Mat.Zastos. Part1,2,3
ページ: 50
Groups and combinatorics-in memory of Michio Suzuki
Proceedings on Moonshine and related topics (Montreal, QC, 1999)