[文献書誌] Taniguchi., M., W.C.Burnett, C.F.Smith, R.J.Paulson, D.O'Rourke, S.L.Krupa, J.L.Christoff: "Spatial and temporal distributions of submarine groundwater discharge rates obtained from various types of seepage meters at a site in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico"Biogeochemistry. 66. 35-53 (2003)
[文献書誌] Taniguchi.M, Turner JV, Smith AJ: "Evaluations of groundwater discharge rates from subsurface temperature in Cockburn Sound, Western Australia"Biogeochemistry. 66. 111-124 (2003)
[文献書誌] Burnett, W.C., H.Bokuniewicz, M.Huettle, W.S.Moore, M.Taniguchi: "Groundwater and pore water inputs to the coastal zone"Biogeochemistry. 66. 1-33 (2003)
[文献書誌] Chanton, J.P., W.C.Burnett, H.Dulaiova, D.R.Corbett, M.Taniguchi: "Seepage rate variability in Florida Bay driven by Atlantic tidal height"Biogeochemistry. 66. 187-202 (2003)
[文献書誌] M Taniguhci, K Wang, T Gamo eds: "Land and Marine Hydrogeology"Elsevier. 199 (2003)