[文献書誌] K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi, K.Miyagawa, K.Kanoda, A.Kawamoto: "Charge ordering in θ-(BEDT-TTF)_2RbZn(SCN)_4 studied by vibration spectroscopy"Phys. Rev. B. 65. 85110(8) (2002)
[文献書誌] J.Ouyang, K.Yakushi, T.Kinoshita, N.Nanbu, M.Aoyagi, Y.Misaki, K.Tanaka: "The assignment of the in-plane molecular vibrations of the BDT-TTP electron-donor molecule based on the polarized Raman and infrared spectra, where BDT-TTP is 2,5-bis(1,3-dithol-2-ylidene)-1,3,4,6-tetrathiapentalene"Spectrochim. Acta A. 58. 1643-1656 (2002)
[文献書誌] T.Nakamura, K.TAkahashi, T.Ise, T.Shirahata, M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi, T.Mori: "Magnetic Properties of Organic Spin-Ladder Systems, (BDTFP)_2X(PhCl)_<0.5>"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 376. 95-100 (2002)
[文献書誌] O.Drozdova, H.Yamochi, K.Yakushi, M.Uruichi, G.Saito: "Charge transfer degree of BO conmplexes"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 376. 135-140 (2002)
[文献書誌] Y.Yamashita, M.Tomura, M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi: "Synthesis and properties of π-extended TTF analogues and their cation radical and dication salts"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 376. 19-24 (2002)
[文献書誌] K.Yakushi, J.Ouyang, M.Shimonyan, Y.Misaki, K.Tanaka: "Charge order in θ-(BDT-TTP)_2Cu(NCS)_2"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 380. 53-59 (2002)
[文献書誌] Y.Ding, M.Simonyan, Y.Yonehara, M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi: "Formation of mixed crystal system Co_xNi_<1-x>Pc(AsF_6)_<0.5>"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 380. 283-287 (2002)
[文献書誌] K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi, M.Inokchi, M.Kinoshita, G.Saito: "Charge disproportionation and its ordering pattern in θ and αtypes of BEDT-TTF salts studied by Raman and infrared spectroscopy"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 380. 221-226 (2002)
[文献書誌] M.Tokumoto, T.Mizutani, T.Kinoshita, J.S.Brooks, Y.Uwatoko, O.Drozdova, K.Yakushi, I.Tamura, H.Kobayashi, T.Mangetsu, J.Yamada, K.Ishida: "Effect of uniaxial pressure in organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu(NCS)_2"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.. 380. (2002)
[文献書誌] G.Saito, H.Sasaki, T.Aoki, Y.Yohida, A.Otsuka, H.Yamochi, O.O.Drozdova, K.Yakushi, H.Kitagawa, T.Mitani: "Complex formation of ethylenedioxyethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene(EDOEDT-TTF : EOET) and its self-assembling ability"J. Mater. Chem.. 12. 1640-1649 (2002)
[文献書誌] T.Yamamoto, H.Tajima, R.Kato, M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi: "Raman spectra of (Me_2-DCNQI)_2CuxLi_<1-x> (0<x<1). The evidence of charge separation at room temperature in a one-dimensional conductor having a quarter-filled band"J. Phvs. Soc. Jpn.. 71. 1956-1964 (2002)
[文献書誌] T.Nakamura, K.Takahashi, T.Shirahata, M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi, T, Mori: "Magnetic Investigation of Possible Quasi-One-dimensional Two-Leg Ladder Systems,(BDTFP)_2X(PhCl)_<0.5> (X=PF_6,AsF_6)"J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71. 2022-2030 (2002)
[文献書誌] M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi, T.Shlrahata, K.Takahashi, T.Mori, T.Nakamura: "Structural phase transition in quasi-1D conductors, (BDTFP)_2X(PhCl)_<0.5> (X=PF_6,AsF_6)[BDTFP=5,7-bis(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-5,7-dihydrofhro[3,4-b]pyrazine]"J. Mater. Chem.. 12. 2696-2700 (2002)
[文献書誌] O.Drozdova, K.Yakushi, Y.misaki, K, Tanaka: "Optical study of two-dimensional organic metal (EO-TTP)_2AsF_6 (EO-TTP=2-(4,5-ethylenedioxy-1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-5-(1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene)-1,3,4,6-tetrathis pentalene)"J. Solid State Chem.. 168. 497-502 (2002)
[文献書誌] M.Meneghetti, C.Pecile, K.Yakushi, K.Yamamoto, K.Kanoda, K.Hiraki: "Study of the phase transitions of (DI-DCNQI)_2M (M=Ag, Li, Cu) through the analysis of the temperature dependent vibronic and vibrational infrared absorptions"J. Solid State Chem.. 168. 632-638 (2002)
[文献書誌] K.Yakushi, K.Yamamoto, M.Simonyan, J.Ouyang, C.Nakano, Y.Misaki, K.Tanaka: "Charge-ordering and magnetic phase transitions in θ-(BDT-TTP)_2Cu(NCS)_2"Phys. Rev. B. 66. 235102(5) (2002)
[文献書誌] P.Toman, S.Nespurek, K.Yakushi: "Electronic states and infrared spectroscopy of nickel and cobalt phthalocyanines : Ab initio calculations for the neutral and cation state"J. Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine. (in press).
[文献書誌] K.Yakushi, K.Yamamoto, J.Ouyang, M.Smonyan, C.Nakano, Y.Misaki, K.Tanaka: "Charge ordering and phase transition in θ-(BDT-TTP)_2Cu(NCS)_2,"Synthetic Metals. (to be published).
[文献書誌] K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi, K.Miyagawa, K.Kanoda, A.Kawamoto, J.Yamaura, T.Enoki: "Vibrational spectra of BEDT-TTF based 2D charge ordering systems"Synthetic Metals. (to be published).
[文献書誌] M.Uruichi, K.Yakushi, T.Shirahata, K.Takahashi, T.Mori, T.Nakamura: "Characterization of quasi-1D conductors, (BDTFP)_2X(PhCl)_<0.5> (X=PF_6,AsF_6)"Synthetic Metals. (to be published).
[文献書誌] O.Drozdova, K.Yakushi, A.Ota, H.Yamochi, G.Saito: "Spectroscopic study of the [0110] charge ordering (EDO-TTF)_2PF_6"Synthetic Metals. (to be published).
[文献書誌] O.Drozdova, K.Yakushi, H.Yamochi, G.Saito, D.B.Tanner: "Infrared study of the properties of the normal (metallic) phase of κ-(ET-^<13>C_4)_2Cu(CN)[N(CN)_2]"Synthetic Metals. (to be published).
[文献書誌] K.Takeda, I.Shirotani, K.Yakushi: "Insulator to metal transition and electronic spectra of bis(1,2-benzoquinonedioximato)-platinum(II), Pt(bqd)_2 at high pressure"Synthetic Metals. (to be published).
[文献書誌] K.Yakushi, R.Swietlik, K.Yamamoto, T.Kawamoto, T.Mori, Y.Misaki, K.Tanaka: "Charge disproportionation in the charge-transfer salts of TTP"Synth. Met.. (to be published).
[文献書誌] R.Wojciechowski, K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi, A.Kawamoto: "Raman study of charge disproportionation in α-(BEDT0-TTF)_2I_3"Synth. Met.. (to be published).
[文献書誌] K.Suzuki, K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi: "Charge ordering in θ-(BEDT-TTF)_2TIM(SCN)_4 (M=Co and Zn) studied by vibrational spectroscopy"Synth. Met.. (to be published).
[文献書誌] K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi, K.Hiraki, T.Takahashi, K.Kanoda, M.Meneghetti, C.Pecile: "Charge distribution and molecular arrangement in (DI-DCNQI)_2Ag studied by high-pressure vibrational spectroscopy"Synth. Met.. (to be published).
[文献書誌] K.Yakushi, K.Yamamoto, R.Swietlik, R.Wojciechowshi, K.Suzuki, T.Kawamoto, T.Mori, Y.Misaki, K.Tanaka: "Spectroscopic studies of charge-ordering system in organic conductors"Macromolecular Symposia. (to be published).
[文献書誌] R.Swietlik, L Ouahab, J.Guillevic, K.Yakushi: "Infrared and Raman studies of the charge ordering in the organic semiconductor κ-[(Et)_4N](ET)_4Co(CN)_6・3H_2O"Macromolecular Symposia. (to be published).
[文献書誌] P.Toman, S.Nespurek, K.Yakushi: "Quantum chemical study of oxidation processes in metal-phthalocyanines"Macromolecular Symposia. (to be puvlished).
[文献書誌] R.Wojciechowski, K.Yamamoto, K.Yakushi, M.Inokuchi, A.Kawamoto: "High-pressure Raman study of the charge ordering in α-(BEDT-TTF)_2I_3"Phys. Rev. B. (to be publishied).
[文献書誌] R.Swietlik, A.Lapinski, L.Ouahab, K.Yakushi: "Charge ordering in the κ-phase BEDT-TTF salts with Co(CN)_6 and Fe(CN)_6 anions studied by infrared and Raman spectroscopy"Les Compte Rendus de l'Academie de Sciences(Pairs). (to be publishied).