研究概要 |
(I)2002年11月、海外共同研究者を招聘し、早稲田大学において第1回国際研究集会"Veto Players and Policy Change"を開催した。内容は以下の通りである。 Participants and papers : Carles Boix (The University of Chicago),"Political Institutions and Democratic Stability." Jose' Antonio Cheibub (Yale University),"Presidential Agenda Power and Decision-Making in Presidential Regimes : Governors and Political Parties in the Brazilian Congress." Masanobu Ido (Komazawa University) "Veto Players and National Responses to Globalization : Comparing Labor Market Reforms in Italy, Japan, and The U.S." Herbert Kitschelt (Duke University),"Explaining Economic Policy Reform in Post-Communist Countries : Explaining the Relevance of the Veto-Players/Points Framework." Hideko Magara (Waseda University),"Growth and Accountability : When Structural Veto Players Emerge." Koji Ono (The University of Nagoya),"Veto Players in Contemporary Japanese Politics." Hiroki Sumizawa (Japan Women's University),"Constrain of German Corporatism Model." George Tsebelis (University of California Los Angels),"Veto Players, Agenda Setting Politics." Paper-only participants : Robert Franzese Jr. (University of Michigan),"The Positive Political Economy of Public Debt : An Empirical-Research Report on the OECD Postwar Experience." Adam Przeworski (New York University),"Government Coalitions and Legislative Effectiveness Under Presidentialism and Parliamentarism." (II)2003年1月18日、早稲田大学教授 船木由喜彦氏を講師として招待し、拒否権プレイヤーのゲーム理論的側面に関する勉強会「拒否権プレイヤーのいるシステムのゲーム理論による分析」を開催した。 (III)国内メンバーのみで、プロジェクトの打ち合わせ会議を2度開催した。 以上