[文献書誌] Ryo Sato, Kentaro Hori: "Developing Quick Iterative Process Prototyping for Project Management : Linking ERP and Business Process Engineering"Proceedings of fourth international conference on enterprise information systems. Volume 2. 851-854 (2002)
[文献書誌] Ryo Sato: "On Planning and Control of Business Processes"Proceedings for 2002 AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems. 299-302 (2002)
[文献書誌] 蔡東倫, 佐藤亮: "APPCSにおけるシミュレータの提案"経営情報学会2002年春季全国研究発表大会予稿集. 242-245 (2002)
[文献書誌] Ryo Sato, Tunglun Tsai: "An agile production planning and control with additional purchase orders"Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper series. No.982. 1-24 (2002)
[文献書誌] T.L.Tsai, R.Sato: "A UML Model of Agile Production Planning and Control System"Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper series. No.999. 1-28 (2002)
[文献書誌] 佐藤亮, 蔡東倫, 二村暢之, 小野栄一: "ERPを用いてビジネスプロセスを作り出すための情報システム方法論:quickIPP -日程計画業務の場合"Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper series. No.1017. 1-24 (2003)