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[文献書誌] Takahiro Ito, Yoshiyuki Tsuji et al.: "Application of Ultrasonic Velocity Profile Meter to Vortex Sheddeng and......"Experiments in Fluids. 31. 324-335 (2001)
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[文献書誌] Yoshiyuki Tsuji et al.: "Invariant Assumption of pdf Profiles in the Log-law Region in Smooth and..."Proceedings of Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, KTH 2002. Vol.II. 509-512 (2002)
[文献書誌] Yoshiyuki Tsuji: "Similarity Scaling and Statistics of Pressure Fluctuation in Turbulence"Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium, Princeton University. 1-2 (2002)