[文献書誌] T.Yodo, H.Ando, Y.Harada, M.Yoshimoto: "Characterization of As-doped GaN heteroepitaxial layers gitwn on Si(001) and Si(111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy assisted by election cyclotion resonance"Exteiided Abstracts ofthe 20th Electric Materials Symposium. 20・6. 199-202 (2001)
[文献書誌] T.Yodo, H.Ando, D.Nosei, Y.Harada, M.Tamura: "Investigation of initial Growth Process for GaN Heteroepitaxial Layers Grown Si(001) and Si(111) Substrates by ECR-assisted MBE"The Thirteeth International Conference on Crystal Growth, ICCG-13/ICVGE-11 Abstracts. 02a-SB2-16. 309-309 (2001)
[文献書誌] I.YODO, HANDO, D.NOSEI, Y.HARADA: "Growth and Characterization of InN Heteroepitaxial Layers Grown on Si Substiates by ECR-Assisted MBE"The Fourih Intemation Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Denver, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors. P22.13. 83-84 (2001)
[文献書誌] T.Yodo, H.Ando, H.Tsuchiya, D.Nosei, M.Shimeno, Y.Harada: "Influence of substate nitridation before growth on initial growth process of GaN heteroepitaxial layers grown on Si(001) and Si(111) substrates by ECR-MBE"J. Ctyst Giowth. Vol.227-228. 431-436 (2001)
[文献書誌] Tokuo Yodo, Hironori Ando, Daiki Nosei, Jyunya Seko, Kentarou Sakai, Masakazu Shimeno, Yoshiyuki Harada: "Mutual lnfluence among InertNitrogen Molecules, Nitrogen Radical Aionis, Nitrogen Radical Molecules and Nitrogen Molecular Ions on Growth Process and Crystal Sinicture of GaN Hetemepitaxial Layers Grown on Si(001) and Si(111) Substrattes by Molecular-Beam Ephaxy Assisted by Electxon Cyclotron Reasonance"J. Ctyst Giowth. Vol.233. 22-33 (2001)
[文献書誌] T.Yodo, H.Ando, D.Nosei, Y.Harada: "Growth and Characterization of InN Heteroepitaxia Layers Grown on Si Substrates by ECR-Assisted MBE"phys. state. sol.. (b)228・1. 21-26 (2001)