[文献書誌] Takeshi Tokuyama: "Efficient Algorithms for the Minimum Diameter Bridge Problem"Computational Geometry. 24-1. 11-18 (2003)
[文献書誌] Tetsuo Asano, Naoki Katoh, Koji Obokata, Takeshi Tokuyama: "Matrix Rounding under the Lp Discrepancy Measure and Its Application to Digital Halftoning"SIAM Journal on Computing. 32-6. 1423-1435 (2003)
[文献書誌] Hisao Tamaki, Takeshi Tokuyama: "A Characterization of Planar Graphs by Pseudo-Line Arrangements"Algorithmica. 35. 269-286 (2003)
[文献書誌] Nadia Takki-Chebihi, Takeshi Tokuyama: "Enumerating Global Roundgs of an Outerplanar Graph"Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation. LNCS2906. 425-433 (2003)
[文献書誌] Jinhee Chun, Kunihiko Sadakane, Takeshi Tokuyama: "Linear Time Algorithm for Approximating a Curve by a Single-Peaked Curve"Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation. LNCS2906. 6-15 (2003)
[文献書誌] Tetsuo Asano, Naoki Katoh, Hisao Tamaki, Takeshi Tokuyama: "The Structure and Number of Global Roundings of a Graph"Computing and Combinatorics, 9th Annual International Conference. LNCS2697. 130-138 (2003)
[文献書誌] 徳山 豪: "離散数学とその応用"数理工学社. 213 (2003)